Chapter One The night we first met

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It was beautiful night the moon was high in the sky also many star were shining that night too it was the year 2009 town nearby has always been peaceful up.Until one stormy night new reach the town about the mansion that had been built recently had just been bought by the uchiha brothers they were going to move into the mansion.That night according to what people said in the bar and in all the town's people's mind were think why would anyone move on a stormy night.Like this well what the town people also didn't know was that the uchiha brother Itachi and sasuke were vampires.That were able appear human but only during the day when night fell they became what they really were vampires.

Sasuke pov:

Me and my older brother Itachi had just arrived in the new town we're going to call home also it was stormy night when we move into the mansion.We had boughten as we unpack everything we had brought with us on this stormy night once we both had the bed/coffin in our rooms.Itachi said me soon when next full moon is high in the sky was clear he and I must not only feed.But find a mated he painfull reminded me,that we need to be careful when doing this of course.He end up reminding me that it was me that who blew are our sacred.Flashback me,Itachi lived with our parents for along time and we loved our family until one night I was spotted feeding on girl.Then me and family were hunted down then killed but we were two who managed to aesp that night.End of flashback once again my brother Itachi explain how you know you've met the one he said first you both will be blushing at the same time unexpectedly.The second thing will be that you can't stop thinking about one another.And the third thing is that the both of us will wanted to have sex with each really badly.After I Itachi finished explain that to me,that when I said Itachi, you know that I'm gay so it will be impossible for me to find a mated.But what I didn't was that know was in this town my mated lived and he would not be afraid of me.At all seen I'm a vampire who is nineteen years old we vampire stop age around the time we reach adulthood.

Meanwhile a young man named naruto who lived alone after both his parents die in associated two years ago.He decided conduit the family business which was make swords,as well as other weapons that were used to hunted.And naruto was really good at make both sword as well as the other weapons but he mostly made were sword.Which many people pay good money for not just for the sword itself.The sword would have an amazing design work that naruto had done on each and every sword he had ever made each design was different and beautiful in own way.That morning naruto had just finishing the final design work on a sword that lord Kakashi had order.Also lord kakashi had just come into the naruto uzumaki swords and weapons shop and naruto said lord kakashi I have your sword you requested to be made already finished it.I was just about to put in the sheath then I was going to bring it to you myself when lord kakashi independent the sword he said find work mrs.uzumaki this sword will put good use.After kakashi said that he payed naruto one sack of gold coins for his hard work.Now normally the townspeople paid naruto with sack of silver coins never gold coins.But naruto didn't complain that day as lord kakashi left the store with his new sword in hand.

Naruto pov:

I had final finished putting the design work on a sword that lord kakashi had requested be made and just as I was about to give it a good look over.Who should come into my weapon shop but lord kakashi,himself of course I said welcome lord kakashi I have your sword made that you had requested on being made right away.And he walked over to get a good look at my work then he told find work mrs.uzumaki he goes on to say this sword will be put good use.Whatever that means he pays me in gold coins this was amazing because everyone in town always pays me in silver coins.So I wasn't complaining today so once he had left my shop.I pulled a drawing of a sword that my father had been work on but sadly he never made it because he die along with my mother.But I wanted finish working on drawing up plans for a sword.I had been working for a while until I heard the huge clock that was on top of town hall chiming I knew that the work day was done.So I closed up shop and put the drawing away in a safe place until morning.After I had lock up the shop I was walking home on a night of a full moon as gently wind was blowing it.Felt nice to have the wind blow on my face as I continued walking home I saw a shooting star shoot across the night sky.Of course I made a wish which that I would met someone that would fall for me.But this was just wishful thinking so I continued walking home little did I know that my wish would come true.

Meanwhile sasuke just happened to be out that night along with his brother Itachi as well as too.And naruto was walking along to out part of the town where he lived it wasn't much but to him it was home.As naruto was walking back home is when he first met sasuke uchiha who had been badly hurt.By vampire hunter trap that had been set early that day.And sasuke's wounds weren't healing at all other time this was because this trap was a vampire.Hunter's trap had silver needles that were apart of it this was like poison to vampires.At first naruto asked do you need help sire and sasuke was annoyed at first by what he was asked.But the pain was too much for him that almost fell to the ground.If naruto haven't caught him in time which he did and naruto took him back his house so he could help him out by getting the silver needles out of his arm.When sasuke did come to he found himself in a bed that was not his.At that mounted naruto said you're awake now I was able to pull out those silver needle that were in your right arm.Also the bleed seem to have stop but you should get some more rest I'm sorry should have asked this what is your name.And he said it sasuke uchiha and what your's it naruto uzumaki.

Sasuke pov:

I must have been the most stupidest vampire ever to have walk into a vampire hunters trap the worst part was the silver thin needles.Which if you had known this we vampires can't stand if it touches us it will burn us or feel like we are going to die.But for me I was just hit in my right arm which hurt like hell and there was no way that I could pull out these silver needles.That is until I hear someone say do you need help sire at the time I was a little annoyed by that.But for some reason that end up fading this must have been because I had met my mate that every night.That was the last thing I could remember after I came to I was in bedroom as I tried to get up.I heard the same voice say you're awake now,he also told he was the one who pulled out the silver thin needles from my right arm which had been wrapped in bandages.I said I thank you for what you did in removing those silver needle from my arm.But you must know now that I am weak now and my fangs will come out.Because I need blood to heal my wounds which should help me to regain my strength.of course the guy who had save me only said if you need blood for your wounds to heal then take some of mine this was after he saw my fangs out.Then I said if you wish scream than do so because I'm a vampire but this guys didn't scream or run like I thought.He would do it was then I asked him,his name which he told me was naruto.Also naruto said that he was not scared of me and if I need blood then I can take his and as naruto put out his arm for me.I couldn't help myself as I bit his arm I also could see his face was little red.After I had taken what I need from naruto I saw that he was still blushing ever before I bit him.At that mounted I was also blush as I had finished I asked why are you blushing like that?Then naruto asked what my name was so I told him it was sasuke then naruto say please don't take this the rough way sasuke but you're not like what I've heard at all.And to answer your question as to why I'm blushing well that because I like you no what mean to say is that I love you sasuke.At that mounted I hear it was I said so you're gay naruto then"he said yes I'm but one knows about that not even the people in town.And I could tell he still meant what he had told me,I was in that mounted I said I feel the same which that I really do love you too as I tell him this he was still blushing.As I said that I that I must return to my mansion also he said will keep my secret,if I will keep his and I gusse without a second thought naruto agreed.Then with that I left but before I did I told naruto that I would return and that night I too was in love with him to.

When sasuke found his brother Itachi he was on the top of a tree it was at that mounted Itachi had to ask sasuke have you found a mate.Tonight at first sasuke didn't want answer his older brother.But then sasuke said yes I have found the one because I can't stop thinking about him not for a seconded.And Itachi asked who is the lucky guy to have fall in love with my little brother that when sasuke said his name is naruto uzumaki.After Itachi hear that name his said well he will make a fine mate sasuke but does he know that you are a vampire.Then sasuke said yes,he does and I don't how to say it but he was not afraid of me at all.With that both brother returned to the mansion that night.Meanwhile naruto had truly fall in love with sasuke that night would be know as how the night they first met each other under a full moon. 

Under the moonlight night I met Vampier. Writen by blueroseWhere stories live. Discover now