Chapter Four A reunited love/another engagement

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Itachi pov:

As I was out in town walking around thinking about how thing would have been like if I had the changes to have what my younger brother sasuke has now well I got my wish after so long.Because I saw the women who had losten my heart was walking around town in a beautiful dark pink dress it was at that mounted I was reunited with her my one true love her name was shannon.I couldn't help but wanted her it was then I asked if,I could walk with her around town and "she said yes I would love to so we walked around the town".As we walked around the town she went on to tell me what she heard had happened to my family"she also said that she ran away from her family to try and find me.Because I was the only man to have truly stolen her heart that she couldn't be with anyone else but me this made my heart feel complete once again this after it being empty for so long".

After itachi hear his beloved story itachi gently took shannon hand into his own hand and he asked her,will you marry me of course she said yes,itachi I will marry you.So with that Itachi had diamond ring in his left jacket pocket this was after he had to let go of shannon's hand so that he could pull out the ring out of his pocket.Then slipped the ring on her finger and the two of them kissed each other which felt like an eternity seen they had not only seen each other for along time as well as touch each other too.This was just showed how much love they felt for each other.Which was still as strong as the day they fell for each other so they went to the mansion where Itachi lived with his brother sasuke.Meanwhile sasuke and naruto were in joining the pieces in quite until sasuke hear his brother itachi's voices coming from outside the hallway.So sasuke got up out of his coffin/bed where naruto was fast asleep and he went to see what his brother was up to.As sasuke was walking through the hallway he heard a girl's voices coming from the down stairs at first sasuke thought his brother was up to his old tricks but when he came down stairs.He saw his brother with a women who sasuke had seen once a while a back sasuke remember one day he followed his brother to see what he was doing.It when he was little and he wasn't old enough to go out at night that his brother itachi was had fallen in love with a girl with long black hair and deep blue eyes of course he saw what she looked like and he could see why his brother had fallen for her.As for their parents who were still alive and they were every happy for itachi when he told his parents her name was shannon then their father said Itachi,she is your one,only true love than you have mine and your mother's blessing to marry shannon.

Sasuke pov:

I was in mine and naruto's bedroom when I heard voices coming from downstairs so I went to going see who my brother brought home seen he has never had anyone come home with which I could never understand myself what went on in my brother mind.With that in mind I got out of our coffin bed really quietly as possible as not to wake up naruto also I put on a robe that I had hanging on our bathroom door once I had my robe on then I head out of our bedroom and into the hallway.Once I was outside of our bedroom I walked down the hallway to the staircase that faced the front door that is where I saw my older brother itachi and beside him was a girl that had long black as well as deep blue eyes that I had even seen in my life and as walked down the staircase I asked Itachi,who the girl that with you.It was then he told me that this was his mate the one he had fallen in love with back in the day when our parents were alive.And I remember that Itachi had found his mated but he never got that chase to ask her to marry him being it was my fault that my brother never got the change ask the one he love to marry him.That pain I had felt soon fade when Itachi told that had he something to tell me which was he had good news he wanted to tell me as well as show you too when Itachi said that the girl who's name was shannon who was standing in the room.Then Itachi tell me,I may not remember shannon but he told me that he had ask her to marry him and she has said yes to him of course I could tell that this made itachi really happy.

Once sasuke heard what his brother Itachi had said it was at that moment sasuke said I'm really happy for you itachi also I've to have ask my one true love to marry me as well as to and he has said yes then Itachi said why don't all four of us celebrate.Tonight to the two of us sasuke to finding owner true love's so as the sun was still up shannon was in the kitchen working on super.And as shannon was cutting apples for an apple pie she excitedly cut her finger which started bleeding shannon was able to get her hand away from the apple's that she had been cut so that he blood would get on the apple slice.When Itachi was not only send that shannon was hurt he also smell her blood which made him run to the kitchen by this time the sun had set by now.And both sasuke,Itachi were now in vampire form once Itachi made it to the kitchen he took shannon's hand that had a cut on it then he began licking her finger that was bleeding this turned shannon on as did for Itachi too.He couldn't just stand licking her finger so the two of them went up stairs to itachi's bedroom and they had sex that was gentle,loud in the end both of them were exhausted after words that itachi used his phone to call for takeout.

Shannon pov:

When I finally had found itachi it was like a dream come to for me after I had ran away from home to go and try to find him which was not easy but I was not going to give up at all as I made my way to a town where I had really good feeling that I would find my love itachi the man who had stolen my heart.As I walked around the town it didn't look like I had much luck in this town well that what I believe.Until I sat down on bunch near beautiful water fountain where I made up my mind to sing to try and find my love as well as earn some money.So I get some food as well as warm place to stay for the night then move on the next town to try and find my love but in the back of my mind was telling me he was here.As I put down my embroidered handkerchief which had blue rose on it,on the ground I began to sing a song that my mother would sing this song to me when I was sad and it made feel a lot better as I began sing everyone was in ow because I was this good also it was really beautiful.That I guess itachi heard my singing because when I had finished and the crowd throw money onto my embroidered handkerchief it was at that moment.As I was about pick up my embroidered handkerchief with a blue rose on it,is when I look up to see itachi standing there.It was at that moment my heart was pounding like crazy see him stand there,Itachi put his hand out to me and "he said shannon my lady,you've found me and from there we walked around the town as I told him how I had run away from home to look for him for he was the only man that had ever stolen my heart".After he heard my story he took my hand once again then he asked me,if I would marry him of course I said yes then he ask if I would like come back to his mansion of course I said yes.Once we were there I met his younger brother sasuke who I could tell that he was really happy for his older brother after hearing that we were going to get married also sasuke said he that he to was going marry as well so we all decided to celebrate.Tonight so I went to the kitchen to make an apple pie which I was trying to make when I cutting the apples I cut my finger by excited.I knew that itachi would smell my blood because the sun had already set by now well thing will say got hot and heavy.But Itachi was able setting to the table I had brought out the wine glasses along with a bottle of red grape juice also with another bottle that had animal blood inside of it in my other hand.Once I was putting the wine glasses on the table also sasuke and Itachi didn't drink human blood since they got caught along time ago also they would only drink from their lovers but it would only happen.When they were having sex when I was putting the bottles on the table is when naruto walked into the room he was shocked at first to see me.Also we met when he was little then I put her arms around him as best I could because I could see he was pregnant and we were happy to see each other.

Then naruto asked how have you been,why are you here and shannon said one question at a time so shannon said I've been ok and the reason I'm here is because Itachi,he and I have been see each other also the two of us are going to get married.It was then he told her that the younger brother sasuke was also going to be getting married he didn't say it was you naruto or that you were pregnant.But I'm really happy for you and sasuke after naruto hear that he said I'm also really happy that you found true love shannon so that night the four of them celebrated.

Naruto pov:

One day as the snow was beginning to fall me and shannon were planning our double wedding while sitting on the couch when shannon wasn't feeling well then she finally ran to the bathroom where shannon throw up all morning I was worried about what could be rough.So when shannon came back into the room she told me that she had brought a pregnancy test and she was now waiting for the test to tell her if she was or not as shannon and I were waiting on the test.of course when the timer went off shannon went back into the bathroom and came out with a big smile as well as tears of joy.When shannon,me was seven month pregnant now when shannon said it positive I'm pregnant naruto at that moment he was so happy for shannon as I hugged her tears were still flowing down her also down my face too.

And as naruto wiped the tear away from his face"he said shannon you need to tell itachi that he is going to be a father then shannon agreed"so she went the master library room where both sasuke,itachi were at when shannon opened the door"she said itachi I have something to tell you"once he hear that he asked what is it my love then shannon said I'm pregnant itachi we're going to have a baby.After Itachi heard this news he was really happy that he walked to shannon and just kissed her as he said I'm the most happiest vampire beside my brother to know that I'm also going to be a father too.This met that itachi would need to start buying baby stuff soon after the wedding which naruto,shannon decided to on what they would need for the double wedding that also would be in the spring which was good because it would be on a night of the first full moon so vampire oath could be done on the same night as the wedding which the first of April. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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Under the moonlight night I met Vampier. Writen by blueroseWhere stories live. Discover now