Chapter Three After a few weeks/a scared is told

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As a few weeks went by and naruto hadn't been feeling well seen the last few weeks seen he delivered the two swords that Sr.Iruka had requested be made and naruto was payed for his work at the time naruto had no I idea that the swords he had made had been made out of pure silver which could injuer vampires as well as possibly kill them.But right now this morning naruto had been throwing up it was after he had throw up for like the fourth time that day he had made up his mind that he wouldn't go into work that day until he felt better.When the sun began to set sasuke had made it to naruto's house before he began to change back into a vampire form then sasuke knock on the door which naruto hear and he got up to see who it was.As naruto open the door to see that it was sasuke and he said sasuke,what are you doing here and sasuke said I'll tell you why if I may come in naruto let sasuke come inside then sasuke said I could tell that something was rough because I haven't seen you in town the last few weeks and I got worried so I wanted to see if you were alright that when naruto told sasuke he had been throwing up all morning and he was nausea to also he had cramps then naruto said sasuke,I don't know what going but I'm going to see Tsunade tomorrow,she one of the best town's doctors and I ask her what rough with me.

Sasuke pov:

As I had been keeping an eye on naruto I soon found out that he had not be at work for the last few weeks which had me really worried so I went to his house to see if he was ok special seen he may be pregnant with my baby when I made it his door I knocked on his front door just as the sun began to setted I began to change back into my vampire form once the door open naruto said what are you doing here.Then I said I was worried seen I had seen him in town then he tell me that he has not be feeling well for and that he was going to a doctor in town he knew really well her name was tsunade,she was one of the town's best doctors and he had made an appointment to see her tomorrow but someone canled so he could see her today.So I asked if I could go with him and he said yes that would be great with that said it was a little later that night we went to go see tsunade who also I was told that she owns her own restaurant which was called the moonlight maiden as well as being a doctor too.Once we made it to her doctor's office she was there hard at work when she must have heard the front door open then naruto said tsunade are you here I have an appointment to see you today.After naruto said that to a women with long blonde hair that was up in low pigtails and she was wearing one of those kimono's that had sleeves on it but she was wear it as jacket that was dark green with black lines on the sleeves as well as the front and back also you could see her chest was big as she can into the front to met us.

When sasuke hear what naruto had told him,he knew that naruto was pregnant and also he knew naruto need to be keep safe because he knew what could very well happen if anyone found that he was a vampire and that naruto was pregnant with his baby they could kill him as well as their unborn baby.Of course he remember what happened in the passed the costed his family their live so without any hesitation sasuke asked naruto is it ok if I could come with to see Tsunade then naruto said of course you can,sasuke so that night sasuke went with naruto the moon was up that night so sasuke had to really careful now that it was night as he and naruto walked to Tsunade clinic which was still open.When Tsunade who saw naruto walk into her clinic she knew something was up so she went the front to see naruto but he could see that he was not alone as "she said naruto what bring you here I see that you're not alone so why don't you tell why you to come into my office and tell me what rough".Once they were inside her office Tsunade asked so naruto what rough you've never come to see me unless it was important then naruto said I've been throwing up as well as have cramps and feeling nausea too.At that mounted Tsunade knew what was rough with naruto than she said naruto you're pregnant and I'm going to explain how that is possible so Tsunade told naruto that his mother wasn't entirely human she had a lot of mysteries powers and she guess that his mother was able to pass this kind of ability on to you naruto.

Naruto pov:

After I had told sasuke that I had not been feel well and that I had made an appointment to see tsunade,she is one of the town's best doctor when I told sasuke this he asked me if he could come with me of course I said yes so that night went to tsunade clinic which was not that far away once we walked in I could tell that tsunade was coming to the front see us.At mounted I  could tell that sasuke going to met tsunade I could from the way he was looking at her that she was not what he had well pictured or what he had a imagine she would look like.And I could tell that tsunade knew that something was up as we all three walked into her office she asked me what was rough then I told her that I've been throwing up as well as have cramps and feeling nausea too.At that momented she knew what was rough with me than she said you're pregnant naruto and she went on to explain how that is possible so Tsunade told me that my mother wasn't entirely human she had a lot of mysteries powers and tsunade guess she was able to pass this kind of ability on to me.

After naruto hear what Tsunade had said to him at first naruto was shocked alittle to now know this but then naruto said I always knew that I was different and to know that I'm pregnant just make me more happier now as Tsunade hear that she had to ask who is the father.Then naruto said ow yeah I haven't introduce you this is sasuke and I know that his is the father with that Tsunade gave naruto a vitamin and she said she would come by for monthly check ups.When they left Tsunade clinic sasuke asked naruto would you wanted to move in with me that way I can keep you and the baby save and naruto said yes,I would love to sasuke and he agree that this will keep and thier baby safe what naruto did know was that sasuke would have keep his gaurd up for anything could happen now.

Sasuke pov:

When it been  a few month seen I ask naruto if he would move in with me and he said yes of course naruto was already showing now seen he been living with me also I told my older brother Itachi who was happy he was going to be an uncle but both me,naruto still didn't know if we were having a girl or boy.So we are just going have wait until the baby is born to know Tsunade came by like she said she would and she was happy to see naruto,baby were doing good as more time pass naruto was now six month pregnant.And I had just brought all the baby stuff at that mounted naruto said sasuke,come here you have to feel this so I went into the living room where naruto was sitting on the couch I could see naruto on the couch with his hand on his swollen stomach.When naruto saw me walking into the living room"he said sasuke,I felt our baby kick for the first time you have to feel this so I sat right next to naruto then I put my hand on naruto's swollen stomach" it was at that mounted I felt our baby kick at the touch of my hand then I asked naruto,will you marry me as I asked that I pulled out a diamond ring from my pocket I was really scared of what he might say to me but he gave me his answer which was yes he would marry me.

When naruto said yes sasuke I will with all of my heart as sasuke slipped the ring on naruto's finger as the two of them kissed this end up with them having sex when they were having sex sasuke was really careful because naruto was pregnant now as the two of them were laying in sasuke coffin/bed they were exhausted from having sex they end up falling asleep.Meanwhile the town's people hadn't seen naruto in almost nine months so gaara naruto best friend went to try to see what was up because he too hadn't seen naruto for a while as well as too.As this was going on Itachi was soon to be reunited with the girl who heart he had stolen on the stress's there Itachi went to her and he said my love,Shannon you are still as beautiful as on that night when first met we first met"flashback Itachi was look for the one he was meant to be with and they met on the night of a full moon Itachi was walking around the town he once lived in with his family.That when he walk right into a vampire hunter's trap without even knowing it silver thin needles had stab him in his right arm as he tried to remove them it was just to painful to remove the silver thin needles from his arm until a beautiful lady with long black hair saw him hurt and bleeding".Of course  she ran to his side and" she said let me help you,so she pulled out the thin silver needles once they were out the bleeding had stopped but Itachi was now weak then he said as his fangs were out if your going to scream as well as run now because I'm a vampire".At that momented she said my name is shannon, and I am not a feared of you I know you must be weak after having those silver thin needles removed"so shannon put out her wristed and she said take my blood so you can regain your strength as he heard this"he said my name is Itachi before he bite her wristed as he was drinking her blood he could see shannon was blushing when he was done drinking her blood he used his healing power to heal the bite marks on her wristed after Itachi healed her he said I know why you are blushing and I feel the same way with all my heart the two kissed that every night it was started of something beautiful end of flashback".

Under the moonlight night I met Vampier. Writen by blueroseWhere stories live. Discover now