Chapter Two That next morning second meeting

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Naruto pov:

As the sun began to rise I heard the clock on top of town hall started to chime again like it always did when I had got up that morning I was still think about sasuke and even as I was eating breakfast when I left for work I knew that I had hid the fact I was in love with a guy and that he was vampire too.When I made it to my shop and I decided that I would try to finish the sword my father was working well the drawing for right now.So I unlocked the shop door then got right to work until a good friend of my named gaara came in and I could tell that he had some work for me this meant a new customer was making requested for a so sword.

Meanwhile sasuke was still sleeping in his coffin/bed and his brother Itachi was up in the library room reading a book that talked about how a vampire can get a human woman or man pregnant as he was reading this book along with a cup hot tea that was on the table next to him.He went on reading this book which said in order to get the one you love impregnated the first way is that you have sexy on the second night.The other was you must marry them as well as take the vampire oath in front of friends or family.When Itachi was reading this book he remember that it was not that uncommon for vampire to be married to a human or for them to have children that would be part vampire and part human.As Itachi was reading in the library sasuke finally awoken up he was still thinking about naruto even in his human form which he was in meanwhile naruto was hard at work on the drawing that he had been working on at his shop.

Sasuke pov:

When I woke up this morning I couldn't stop thinking about naruto so I decided that I would go see him again as I made my way downstairs I saw my brother was in our library room like always he sitting there read a book drinking his tea also we were both in our human form at this time.And Itachi could tell that I was still thinking about naruto it must have been how I was ascting at the time.Beacuse when I said that I was going to go walk around the town which I was doing now was I really going to see naruto again and tell him that I loved him more than I had ever loved my parents and my brother too.So I was walking around the town I really couldn't stop thinking about naruto it was so hard not to think about how beautfiul his eyes are how his blonde hair looks like sun rase also it kind of hard look were I was going at the time because I end up in really big misunderstanding of my life well kind of.

Meanwhile naruto was hard at work finishing the drawing that his father had left behind when his friend gaara came into his shop and he said hey,naruto I have an letter for you it from sr.Iruka and naruto said thanks gaara,could you put it on the table for me.I'm a bit business right now so gaara set the letter on the table than he said his goodbyes and after he left naruto stopped what he was doing and opened the letter which said dear mrs.uzumaki,I wish for you to make two sword for me.And naruto knew that it would take a few days to make just one sword let alone two sword because he would need more oro and steel which he would need more of to make the two sword.So he need to get both material from a store that sold the oro and steel started from the sore which just happened to be near the mine that they both came from.As that was going sasuke was trying to find naruto in town while he was still in his human form meanwhile the sun was still out and naruto had to go out to get more material that he was low on.So he locked up his shop then naruto went to the mining store that sold the materials that he need as naruto was walking down the sidewalk when he saw sasuke with sakura who was know being really flirts again like she always tried to do.And when saw sasuke could tell that she put her arm around his at the time it looked like sasuke didn't have a problem with sakura around his arm which crushed naruto's heart so he walked as fast as could before sasuke ever saw him.

Naruto pov:

When I had opened the letter that gaara my best friend and left for me which it was from sr.Iruka who wanted me to make him two swords which I could do but I was low on the material that I need which were steel and oro.So I knew that I had go the mining store where I could get the material that I need to make the swords so with that in mind I locked up my shop.And head out to the mining store which was not that far it was only about a few stress down from where I was at,as I was walking down the sidewalk is when I saw sasuke and he was with sakura they were walking side by side each other this made my heart feel like it had shattered into pieces this was the worse I felt like crying at that mounted but I didn't I just walked as fast as I could make to mining store.

Under the moonlight night I met Vampier. Writen by blueroseDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora