03.33 p.m.

137 9 2

Dear you,

You love her.

It's been a month since our breakup and you love her already.

So you actually never really cared did you?

Was it stupid of me to have a sliver of hope that you'd prove me wrong and say you actually cared as much as I did?

It's not fair.

We fall in love with those who don't give a damn about us and end up breaking because we have feelings and chose to express them.

I have an infinite number of flaws and by no means am I saying I'm a great person.

But why?

My only question is why?

Why did you lie?

Why wasn't I good enough to be loved by you?

Why do I still love you even after all the horrible things you've made me go through?

- 03.33 p.m.

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