Chapter 7 Earth Defense(Unrevised)

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     The message continued, "your home world will fall, but I want a good fight;you have half of one of your hours, Takal out". The time had come, we would push them back or die; I pushed the memory of Ves out of my mind.

     Admiral Devens had already taken command of the situation, "All hands report to your vessels, this is not a drill; Report to your vessels and prepare for battle". His voice had remained calm, there was a few seconds of comm static as I raced past Commodore Balitar off the bridge of the Aquarius, I was heading straight to the hanger bay. As the static resolved I could hear via my ear piece, "high energy burst, sensors coming back online now". The chaos was rising, but the battle had yet to begin;the chatter on the communications grid sparked, everyone was talking as I entered the hanger. I turned off my ear piece just to hear the comm from the shuttle and the reports from several vessels.

     "It's gone they destroyed a moon"!

     "Can they really have so much power"?

     "The destroyed Titan, are they going to do that to earth too"?

     "Do we even stand a chance"?

     It was a lot to take in, especially for those who had not yet faced the Racalnas; I tugged on the shuttle's controls just enough for me to get her off the deck before bursting out through the hanger bay's open doors. Ships had already started moving in to formations, it was only a few kilometers to the Explorer but one had to wonder how we would survive; "Argos, start scanning the debris field, what ever they plan to use it for I want to have an advantage too", I said as I pulled the shuttle to a halt. The shuttle did not make a sound as it landed in its docking port and I sprinted to the bridge, "Argos, report ship status".

     Argos appeared on my shoulder, "all crew accounted for, all ship systems operational; direct communications line from the Aquarius is open on the bridge, all stations are manned and ready for combat".

     I stepped on to the bridge, the chaos that was apparent everywhere else was void here; I walked over to my seat, "what is the report on the scan".

     Argos appeared in the center of the bridge at my approximate height, "Titan has definitely been destroyed, particle traces of a previously unknown element has need discovered...".

     Shiro appeared on the tactical screen, "I call it Seranecor, in short is amplifies certain particles; it is not a new element, but a element that is top secret because of what it amplifies best, Emp shockwaves. Tanem you ordered Argos to find an advantage, I think that this substance qualifies".

     I let a smile slip on to my face, "Argos prepare a Electro Magnetic Pulse Torpedo, and three high yield pulse torpedoes; load them on to a shuttle that can be controlled remotely, also get me on a comm line to Admiral Devens".

     It was not long before the admiral appeared on the tactical screen, "I don't have much time captain, Argos said you had a plan of attack".

     I spoke as quickly as I could understandably for times sake, "sir I have a plan of attack an for the most efficient effect I need all ships powered down; Titan had an element that can amplify Electro magnetic pulse waves, with the use of two shuttles we can make it seem as if we are caught in the affected radius without a single problem. All I need is permission to use the tactic".

Future Fur-A Hero RisesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora