Chapter 10 The Nightmare Awakens(unrevised)

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What is a dream? Is it a figment of our reality? Or something we try to obtain? How far can it stretch? And how much faith do we put in to it? The wrath of a mind can be put at ease with a dream. We dream about many things, happiness, success, freedom, love... but under every dream is fear, corrupting our dreams from their own will and locking them in chains. Things happen every: Year, Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minute, and Second, that require us to dream. What happens when a dream fails to exist? The nightmares will take reign.


I could hear a voice from who I did not know the owner or at least could not tell whom they were, who was speaking, "Don't trust anything, Blend in, but be aware that everything you know does not exist, be careful." For minutes it seemed that the voice was gone. I don't know how long it was before the voice spoke again, "Remember when the odds are against you, sometimes all you can do is act with a little faith."

The dark shroud of my slumber subsided to the red flashes and earsplitting alarms of emergency; I could hear shouting and weapons fire as I rushed to get dressed, but I was not the only one in a rush. I didn't recognize him at first, I just knew we were both in a rush to get dressed and get to our defensive stations; something about this didn't seem right, where was my wife, where was I because this didn't look like the captain's cabin.

​ The comm panel burst with a ship wide message, "Commander Tanem Asurious Jax, report to the bridge; Lieutenant Zane Dex Dedran, report to the Armory. All hands prepare for hand to hand combat against the Invaders." I finished strapping up my uniform, and started out the door to be stopped by the man I now recognized at Zane Dedran.

As I tried to walk out he grabbed my wrist as the door opened, he pulled me back away from the door, with tears in his eyes he wrapped me in to a hug and said, "Be safe, okay, whatever is out there is probably what destroyed the exploration craft delta, along with five hundred unarmed civilians, and I can't lose you."

I don't know how long he held me there, but as soon as he released me I darted to the door. Before I walked out entirely I turned around at the door with a smile, "I will be back before too long, just remember to make it back yourself." I turned back to the door, sliding through it before it could open completely and darted to the armory section of the crew deck which housed my personal sidearm. The grey corridors were accented by the red lights; the carpet was white stained by blood and the same red light. The creature that had killed the crewman whose blood stained the carpet darted at me, the dark skin blacker than night, and teeth sharper than my own drenched in the blood of one of my subordinates. As the thing attacked me I jumped over it, my foot rebounding off of its doglike body allowing me to stay off the ground for another few feet so I could roll to the officer's firearm. I slid in to the officers torn up body, only having the thought of survival; I saw my black furred hand snag the weapon as I rolled a little farther on the other side of the officer. The being snarled as it turned back to me, I fired a shot; the red blast harmlessly passed the intruder. Before I could fire a second shot the creature charged again, I fired my second shot; the red burst connected right between the attackers eyes, it fell to its side dead and defeated. I changed directions as soon as I could tell it was dead, as long as I was armed I could traverse the ship alone, then again I wouldn't be out here with anyone unless there was at least one weapon in the group. Maybe five minutes passed from the time I encountered the beast to the time I arrived on the bridge, sparks flared inconsistently from random places on the bridge, Silence had taken the officers on the bridge by the time I had arrived.

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