Chapter 11 Nightmare Legacy(Unrevised)

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     It's been twenty-four days since I made that announcement. We left the space we knew behind nine days ago, the massive fleet drifted through the gulfs of space on a quest that may never end a quest to find a new home. For the first time I had woken up next to Zane with a smile, we were free from the wrath of the hell hounds and the fleet was safe from them at the least. I got out of bed the black sheets moving to reveal my black boxers and the rest of my black furred body. I looked out the room's window, gazing at the stars, so different but still so attractive passing through my field of vision. The expanse of stars fell in every direction, so many possibilities that are unreachable at this point but some day the descendants of the survivors on this voyage would have the chance to explore those possibilities.

     I turned around and walked to the bathroom that was just on the other side of the bed. Upon reaching the bathroom I turned the sink on wetting my hands and rubbing my wet hands across my face, in the mirror I could see the metallic bracing above my right eye that engulfed from there to my pointed ear. As with every other time I washed my face down like this my hand phased through the metal object in the mirror, so I turned the sink off and turned around to the shower turning it on so that the water could heat up as I put my elbows on the sink counter and rested my hands together laying my head down on them to day dream a little while I waited for the water.

     I could see wolf, fur of white, clothing darker than the night itself, relentless and unforgiving, his eyes closed any time I tried to see the color of them, I had never seen him before, so why did I see him now? Like every time I saw someone like this, they faded within seconds and it always made me tense. Memories of Rehana flooded my mind, the scarlet tips in her hair and her forgiving eyes of a color I could not remember anymore. I stood up when I heard the water turn off. I opened my eyes to see Zane standing at the shower, the sapphire stripe of fur cut across his body from his right shoulder to his left hip. I had never known the extent of the stripe. It was probably an estimation based on how prominent I knew the stripe was.

     He wrapped his arms around me in a loving embrace, "why don't you wait a few minutes to clean up, I know today is going to be a long day but I think things can wait that long." As he pulled me out of the room I knew exactly what he had planed and I could do nothing but smile and follow.


     As entertaining as Zane's had been for delaying my shower, we were now late. Upon entering the mess hall of the Explorer a set of eyes rested firmly on us, they belonged to my diplomatic advisor an good friend Michael Zaryal. At one point in time we didn't see eye to eye but now the only person I trusted more than him was Zane. The hell hounds forced us to work together and we never stopped but the Racalnas divided us, was he my friend or my college? Friend, Rehana is dead, the Racalnas aren't here! It's been two years I should know this. Zaryal waved to invite us to the table he was at beside the window opening the white and grey room to the abyss of space.

     Before I could reach the table the bartender, Arun, yelled to get our attention, "Captain, Commander, what can I get you two today?"

     Zane turned around with a giant smile and looked in to my eyes long enough to check my mood and then to Arun, "just the usuals, Arun!"

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