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Day 2, 8:05 AM

Soon, as we were nearly done with our recess, we heard crying.

"Don't h-hurt me pl-please..!"

It was a girl's voice.

"Tch! How pathetic. You and your gay a**. You ugly wh***! You don't belong here. Gay, Half American and Ugly! Disgusting!"

"Awww, you gonna cry baby girl? Well cry all you want. No one will save your sorry a**."

"I mean sure you got great assets, but it just seals the fact that you are a sl**!"

"Just leave this school. Better yet, this country! Get back to Los Angeles, b****!"

Insults thrown and thrown at the girl. Both male and female voices.

"Le-leave me alone!" Then we heard pushing and punching. Kicking and crying.

"Let's go. We are wasting time."

"Half your life has already been wasted by existing." She spat back.

When they left her, she began to cry loudly.

Ohhhh who is this girl?? Yall find out soon~

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