maTH!!11! (Chapter 3)

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      --- CCDoggy's Point of View ---
     I walked out of Tem's house because she was being RUDE. I realized that it was night again so I decided to do my homework, but we had a problem... Who's homework do I do!!?? CCCutieCheeks76's homework was too hard so I decided, why not do doggykillerzz101's homework, he's stupid enough. I grabbed the paper and set it down on the table, but then I realized I had made a terrible mistake! This homework had really hard questions on it! What music is the absolute sexiest? How am I supposed to know!! We didn't study this! I felt myself unfusing and then- POOF
         --- Third Person POV ---
   "OH MY GOD!" CCCutie yelled, "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHAT 9 + 10 =" "I told you," doggy replied calmly, "it's twenty-one, it's kinda obvious" "OH MY GOD YOUR SO STUPID!" CCCutie yelled, "WAit, why did we unfuse just over that easy of a math problem?" "Oh lol," doggy replied, "i unfused coz of the What kind of music is the sexiest? question" "YOUR JUST CHOOSING TO TAKE IT PERSONALLY!" CCCutie screamed. "IT'S SEXY MUSIC, CC, WHAT'S MORE PERSONAL TO US THAN SEXY MUSIC, SO LET'S JUST DECIDE!" doggy screamed even louder. "It's obviously nursery rhymes" CCCutie said. "Ew no," doggy said, "it's that little kids music wen they play nursery rhymes" "THAT'S WHAT I MEANT!" CCCutie screamed. "Right," doggy said, "I knew that" So they started to play nursery rhymes and danced together until- POOF! And CCDoggy was back.

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