- The Psychotic Taco (Short 50 Word Story)

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A/N: Hi guys! Now, I need to mention that I had to do this short 50 word narrative in my English class. :) We had to choose out of various words placed up on the board and when I saw 'Psychotic' and 'Taco', I just couldn't help myself. xD

I wanted to share it with you guys because...well, I just thought it was so random that it just had to be shared. :p I don't see the point in posting it, but meh! ;)
So here you go! A short 50 word story about a Psychotic Taco :p

Vegetables are happy things; always living in The Kitchen. But one thing can ruin this...the Taco!
Taco was always psychotic! So, the vegetables tricked him one day! They made him chase them; making him as frustrated as possible.
Taco fell into the bin...the vegetables closed the lid...forever..

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