- Jerome Howard: War At Uni

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A/N: Hey everyone! This was a short narrative that we had to write in English and we were given a random name, place, and problem by our teacher. :) Mine was Jerome Howard, Binchester University, and Civil War; and we were given 5 minutes to write it, so this is what I came up with - needless to say, the English teacher was quite impressed by my short narrative story, saying it would be "tough for someone to match the literature" (her words, not mine :p). So enjoy! :)

(P.S: This story is open ended by the way, you can decide what happens to Jerome yourself! :p)

I am Jerome Howard. I study at Binchester University. It is my first day at Uni.

Our teacher, Mr. John Smith, had extensive knowledge in history; especially in the war. He was a tall, un-kept man with daggy clothes and fish-eye glasses. “Today, class, we will be studying-“

Suddenly, the classroom door burst open and in dove a man in his late 30’s. He yelled in a hoarse voice. “Take cover!!!”

Bullets came flying through the windows; shattering into tiny fragments and landing on the students below. Everyone began to panic – screaming and shouting in terror. I looked over and saw the students who were under the windows clasping onto their heads; blood poured out from underneath their hands.

A single gun-shot rang out and everything went silent as I fell to the floor. Pain shot up my left side and I groaned in agony. My hand began to feel sticky; and as I lifted it, I saw the warm, crimson liquid covering my entire hand.

Then the world went black…

Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora