Sirius Black

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Sirius Black was a known prankster, and you were known to be a bit of a goody-goody. It could be said you were a weird pair, but considering that it was normal for a bad boy and a good girl to get together, you were fine. Well- you were.

Lucius Malfoy always made fun of you, and one day you finally snapped. Sirius noticed you've been avoiding him, so he asked Lily to talk to you. Lily found you crying in the girl's bathroom. When she asked you what was wrong you told her. "Lucius said that I was... Fat. She said I didn't deserve any boy." You teared up. "Lucius is an idiot. You are definitely not fat. Plus, no one's more deserving of Sirius than you." Lily winked, hugging you. "Thanks, Lily." You smiled. She nodded sat you, leading you out.

Not long after, you see Sirius. You ran to him and hugged him. The two of you feel to ground. You explained everything, and Sirius found Malfoy, pounding him in he face.

You and Sirius were definitely an adorable pair.

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