Lavender Brown

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Lavender Brown looked at you, blushing. You gave a smile as she waved shyly. You've never seen her like that. The Parvarti twins smirked at you and Lavender, before pulling their blonde friend away.

The day droned on, and you were waiting for a moment to talk to the one and only Lavender Brown. You walked into the Great Hall, spotting her. You tapped her shoulder, and she turned to you. "Hey," you smiled. "Hi," she blushed.

Grabbing her hand, you pulled her from the Great Hall. "I like you, Lavender." You tell her. "I like you too." She smiled. "Then, will you be... My girlfriend?" You ask nervously. She then kissed you. You wrapped your arms around her hips, pulling her closer. "Yes." She said while kissing you. You smiled in the kiss before pulling away.

"Now, let's get some food." You smiled, looking at her now swollen lips. She nodded in agreement. The two of you walked back in, hand in hand. A lot of your friends, and hers, high fived you two. Everyone has been waiting for you two to be together. And it has finally happened.


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