Don't cry... (Sad stuff, Bulk...)

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Within two joors, I knew everything about this planet. Didn't stop me from fawning over the humans as they entered the base. I had scooped up all of them, one at a time, and assessed them.

"So. You're Jack? Nice to meet you. How old are you?" I was sitting cross-peded, holding to my optics. He sat comfortably, a bit wary of the height.

"Yeah. I'm sixteen in human years. I'm partners with Arcee. So, Paradia, what do you like to do?" I thought for awhile. We conversed for a few minutes, just casual. Miko, however...

"So, how many guns you packing? Are you a wrecker? I bet you're super strong. Do you know any stories? I bet you do." I responded hesitantly.

"I have no guns, I'm not a wrecker and I know some sparkling stories, I guess." She looked disappointed, and I hoped that Raf would be nicer.

"So. What do like about earth?" I felt taken back by his question. I smiled, and began my huge list.

"I like your lack of disciplinary art, and the fact you find beauty in everything. I love your colours and fauna. I just like the everything." He nodded and held up a rectangular datapad. It had some pictures of human buildings. He spoke sadly yet happily.

"Humans spread destruction everywhere. But we also spread beauty. Like the Taj Mahal. I've always wanted to see it. What are you doing?" I was stroking him, and holding him to my chassis. I looked away absently. He just lay against me.

"You're the size of my little Larkspur. She was premature, you know. Tiny, and delicate. She died a human hour after she was sparked. But you know, I never saw her in the well. I... miss her... Do you want to go to the Taj Mahal with me? It will make me happy." He looked confused at my sudden mood change. He still nodded.

I input the coordinates, and we stepped through the portal. As it closed, I could hear Ratchet protesting. I wiped away a tear, and sat with Raf as the sun set. It was beautiful.

"My little sister died when she was a baby. She died in my mom." I held him closer. Now we have common ground. Rad began to cry, and we let our sorrow out as the sun set. Two silhouettes outlined against a scarlet sky. I began to sing, calming down the both of us.

"Orion used to love this song.

Lullaby, and good night, in the skies stars are bright.
May the moon's silvery beams bring you sweet dreams.
Close your eyes now and rest, may these hours be blessed.
'Til the sky's bright with dawn, when you wake with a yawn.

Lullaby, and good night, you are mother's delight.
I'll protect you from harm, and you'll wake in my arms.

Sleepyhead, close your eyes, for I'm right beside you.
Guardian angels are near, so sleep without fear.
Lullaby, and good night, with roses bedight.
Lilies o'er head, lay thee down in thy bed.

Lullaby, and good night, you are mother's delight.
I'll protect you from harm, and you'll wake in my arms.

Lullaby, and sleep tight, my darling sleeping.
On sheets white as cream, with a head full of dreams.
Sleepyhead, close your eyes, I'm right beside you.
Lay thee down now and rest, may your slumber be blessed.

Go to sleep, little one, think of puppies and kittens.
Go to sleep, little one, think of butterflies in spring.
Go to sleep, little one, think of sunny bright mornings.
Hush, darling one, sleep through the night,
Sleep through the night,
Sleep through the night."

Let's just say, he was asleep when we got back. And I was in a huge heap of trouble.

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