Got to sleep ma wittle babehs

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"Why would you take him out? You were in the open! People could have seen you!!!" I scowled at Ratchet, who wasn't shutting up. I eventually just tapped his chevron.

"I'm millennia older than you. I've died once. I'm no sparkling." He just glared at me as I strutted out. I headed for unexplored territory, and found an empty room. I decided sleeping out my stress. I chose a human genre, called jazz. It's not bad, and it's quite smooth.

As the melody began, Bumblebee put his head round the door. He beeped at the sight of my lying on the floor. I opened my arm struts, and he carefully lay in them. As the song finished, I noticed he was asleep. The poor thing probably never had a proper sparkling-hood.

I was determined to fix it. I stood up, keeping Bee cradled to my chassis. I placed a soft kiss on his helm, and walked to the berth rooms. He opened bleary optics as I was about to leave.

"Stay, please? I'm scared of the nightmares..." I lay beside him again, and gently held him to my chassis. It reminded me of when Orion had run to my housing unit after having been badly abused. I had slept with him for orns and orns.

When morning came round, I woke up to see Bee sprawled all over me. He gave tiny snores, and his doorwings fluttered. I gently stroked his back, and he pressed into it. Arcee walked in, and raised an optic ridge. I motioned for her to join us.

"No way. I'm not a sparkling!" I gave her a look, and she peered out the door. She looked around nervously, and hesitantly climbed in next to me. I pulled her closer, and she relaxed in my warmth.

Bee woke up, groggily looking at Arcee. He hugged her to his chassis, cooing slightly. Arcee stiffened, visibly relaxing as I wrapped her with my arm struts. We all lay still, in that limbo of sleep and wakefulness. I checked my chronometer. 8:42...

"The kids need picking up you two. Arcee? Bee? Scrap." The two were fast asleep,curling round each other. I gently unentangled myself from them, and walked out. I walked into the rec. room, stretching as I did. I sidled up to Ratchet.

"I'm not waking those two. Can I have a temporary alt. mode to pick the children up in?" Ratchet glared and searched up vehicles. I looked over the bigger vehicles, and picked a huge aft monster truck, that didn't look too showy. I transformed, and with a thank you to Ratchet I sped off. First up, Jack. I waited in his drive, and he soon came into view, clothed in a blue t-shirt and jeans.

"No offended, but where is Arcee?" I was waiting for him to ask.

"She and Bee are currently sleeping peacefully. You look tired." He did. He was pale, with rings around his 'eyes'. He yawned. Popping open my door, he clambered in. I drove to Raf's unit, and he was waiting already. He jumped into the front seat.

"Jack, I suggest you sleep. Raf, sleep too. I'll wake you at base."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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