The beginning of the end itself

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I remember it like it was yesterday, I was 10 she was only 4. Walking home from the park... I should've known it was gonna happen. With the car following us around all the time for a week. Sitting right outside of the house never leaving until dark, but they always came back when the sun did.
Like any other day , I studied and did my work keeping to myself while my father yelled at my mother who reeked daily of ass. Broken bottles of beer and trashed joints littered the floor. Burn marks not only stained the carpets but our arms and legs too. Not from Momma though, she would never hurt us. But from Mark... All the bruises that hinted purple and red on our skin were from him. Everyday he'd come home from work drunk and angry. No matter what we did it was upsetting to him. So he would act out. That was usually my tell to go grab Lacy and lock the door to the room and hold her while she fell asleep crying in fear night after night.
Except today when we got home it was empty. Only things left were stains from all the empty beer bottles and burnt cigarette butts. Lace runs toward our room looking for her blanket but it was gone too. She runs back to me tears running from her eyes. "Wehers blanke..." She cried out burying her head into my shoulder. "I don't know LaCe..But I'll get you another one..."
"Bbbuhhh I want that wonn!" I just patted her back softly as she continued to cry. A second later there's a knock at the door, I slowly walk toward the door and open it to find a skinny little lady in a royal blue suit. She looks down and than back up at me, Lacy holding on to my leg tightly. A smile finds a way to her lips, "Hello I'm Knowling and I'm here to bring you guys down to the child center and there we can deci-" I look at her in bewilderment, how could she just walk in and start talking like this. I shake my head and bring a hand up to shush her, "Now stop right there. How can you just walk all up in here talking about all this shit and expect us to go with you?"
"well I just thought you'd like to see your mom again..."
"Mommi?" Asked Lace looking up at me.
      I felt so stupid sitting in that room, Lacy on my lap as Mrs.Knowling on the other side of the mirrors was talking to some man. I knew I shouldn't have believed her but I did and now I have no idea as to what we're doing here and where my mother is.
     She and the man walk in about a few minutes later Lacy asleep on my lap.
"You must have a million questions for us." Exclaims the very lean man that walks in with Knowling, "You think?" He just smiles and takes a seat across from me. "I know this may be a little scary for you and your sister but we only want to help."
"And what could you possibly do that could help us? You took us away from the only people in our lives." Lacy moves a little in her sleep but doesn't wake up. Knowling begins to talk, "And weren't those people abusive? Wouldn't you much rather have your sister in a safe environment?"
"She was in a safe environment, she was with me. And for your information. My mother never laid  a finger on us." Her eyebrows raise a little, "Well than where did the bruises on your arms come from?" Calmly asks the man,
"Mark..." They write his name down in their little notepads , "Look I don't know what your trying to accomplish here but we'ed really appreciate it if you'd let us go home to our mother and father." I begin to stand up holding Lacy against my chest.
"Uh I'm afraid we can't do that..." I turn back around facing him,                                                       "Im sorry sir whats your name again?"                                                                                                  "Allen." I nod my head a bit setting Lace down on the coach near the door and I make my way behind the chair I had been sitting in earlier. "Okay, Allen." I press, "Lets all just sit here for a minute and pretend you know something about me." They watch me closely unsure of where I'm going with this. "If you were to help me what do you think would be helpful even in the most simplest gesture?" I wait for a response but I don't get one, "See? You have no idea, why? Well because you don't know a single thing about me or my family so where the hell is my mother?" By this point I'm yelling and gasping for air and Lace is awake behind me watching  scared because she's never seen me like this before. Both Allen and Knowling look at each other with surprised looks on their faces until Knowling speaks, "Claire, we don't know where your mom is." She braces herself like I was gonna lash out at her again but instead I just back into the chair my anger resigning to resentment and fear and depression, "What do you mean you don't know where she is? Your practically... your practically at our house 24/7... I don't understand you-you have to be lying..." Tears start to pour out my eyes because I know she's not lying but I don't want to come to the conclusion that my mother had left me and Lace. She couldn't of... she would never. My body begins to shake uncontrollably , as I sob into my hands m. Lace sees me but her face never falters, not even when she walks over wrapping herself around me. "Claire... we mean that we don't no where she is..." Interrupts Allen, "We were only ever at the house when you were." He looks to Knowling with pleading eyes as I look up un able to stop the sobs.
"We think that your father.. er-"                                                                                                              "Markiii?" Questions Lace. I nod at her, somehow realizing who we were referring to right away, "Mark. We think Mark may have found out about us watching you guys and may have decided to run away while they still had the chance."                                                                                                                                       "Great just great," I start laughing my pained laughed as Lance loosened her grip on me."Thats just great... I knew he never cared for me or Lacy... but my mother. She would never leave us," Or at least thats what I wanted so badly to believe. "Mommi and Markii left?" Asks Lace, I dread having to tell her but before I can say anything Allen has her look at him, "No, no sweetie. Well yes they did but they will be back in a few days," I mouth him a thank you while he continues to speak." but before than you'll be staying with your aunt."                                                                                                                            "Aunt? What aunt? My mother was an only child..." I squint my face in confusion, not understanding what they were aiming for here. "What if we told you that your dad had a sister... who used to be friends with your mother?"   




While I will still be writing my other story "I never meant to hurt you" I will also be writing this new one! I hope you guys enjoy this story I got inspired to write a new story and well I guess it turned into this. Please you haven't checked my other story out yet go pleases I promise it won't disappoint! And please feel free to comment anything you'd like to see happen or liked in the story or just to state an opinion I'm open to hear what you all have to say. I just want to make ny story better and more enjoyable. Thanks!!!!]


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