Auntie 'who now?'

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Lacey and I were shuffled out of the room, my questions ignored as they lead us through a few sets of doors, passing other kids who seem to be in the same boat as us. "Where are you taking us?" I finally yell standing strongly on my two feet, Allen struggles to push me forward without hurting me. "we already- told you..." He says through gritted teeth.

"Yea but it doesn't make any sense... my dad didn't have a sister. Or he doesn't..." Ms.Knowling pushes through Allen and tells him to walk ahead so he takes Lacey and sets her in the car. "Oh well honey it doesn't matter if you know about your aunt or not..." She turns me away from the way ALlen had just tooke Lacey. "What are you talking about?" She juts keeps leading away a smile permanently pressed on her lips. "Where are is he taking Lacey! Why aren't I with her!" She continues ignoring every word I say as if it's nothing but a gust of wind hitting her face as she walks along a sidewalk.
       We go until we reach a room on the other side of the building a woman and man sitting at the end of the table smiling at Mrs.Knowling and I. They begin to stand up when she motions for them to remain sitting, and she turns to me her smile faltering no shorter than a second. "Clare sweetie, your sister is being sent to live with a foster home... You'll be staying with your aunt Karen." I stand there like a idiot staring back and forth at aunt 'Karen' and Knowling.
In spite  of my confused state Karen walks over and grabs my hands which I pull back immediately. That seems to upset her but it's only noticeable for a second. "Clare it's been forever since I last saw you. I remember when you were-"
"No!" I yell. Tears coming back into my eyes, a look of confusion now makes its way across her face as her husband walks up right next to her. "What do you mean no?" I laugh a little trying to hold back my anger, "I mean no you can't just act like everything's fine because it's not fine! My mother and father just left me and Lacy to rot- and just seconds ago my sister was pried from my arms and out into a car going who knows where! And now I'm forced to come face to face with you... So, sorry for not wanting to 'catch up." I sneer as a wipe at the tears in my cheeks. " sorry for not wanting to hug you and laugh like old times because there are no old times...I've never seen you before.... And quite frankly I'm not even sure I wanna see you know!" With that I storm out the room leaving Karen a sobbing mess and Knowling following not  far behind.
"Stop right there." She says calmly but I don't stop I just keep going. "I said stop!" She yells, so I turn around. "Thank you-" she huffs out running to catch up stopping right in front of me. "What do you want?" Her eyes look at me pleadingly, "I want you to let me help." A laugh makes its way pass  my lips. "There is no helping me."

I find myself sitting on the  old pier a few miles from the center where they had taken Lacy and I. In my hand I hold a charm bracelet  that holds three charms. A heart for my mother, a star for my sister and a moon for me. It was lacy's until I found it in the middle of a hallway as I was leaving. I take it off and out it back in repetitively until I feel a warm body press next to mine.
"You know...I come here to think. And figure things out too." I look over my shoulder and find Karen right there.
"How'd you know I'd be here?" She presses her hands to her face and looks out at the water, "Honestly?" She begins looking at me I nod, "I didn't." With that said we  just sit there In silence  for awhile waiting for something  that would never come.
"Karen can I ask you something?" She turns to me her face becomes a little red as she pulls back her brown hair . "Of course." I pull at my jacket a bit kicking my feet back and forth biting  at my lip. "Where are they taking lacy?" She pulls me into her chest and I let her hold me there in the cool breeze  from the coast. "I don't know, but I can promise you that we will find out where and get her back to you."
"You know you shouldn't be making such large promises..." I say looking up at her still in her embrace. "And why not?"
" Because the largest promises are the hardest to keep. But the easiest to break." Her smile never falters not even once.
"Than I guess you haven't met me." I laugh a little at her arrogance but I don't tell her why. I just press my head against her chest, u can vividly here the beating of her heart, 'Boom, boom-boom,boom'. We stay that way until I'm unable to keep my eyes open any linger and that's when the nightmares start.
This chapters a little short, I'm still debating whether I wanna have long or short chapters for this story so please bare with me people. I hope you enjoy this story. As I say in all my stories I'm open to any suggestions or ideas concerning where you want it to go. Love all of you! Keep reading or whatever lol.

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