A dream or a sickness

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My father walks into the room. A half drunken bottle of beer in his hand. Mom in the other room crying and screaming at him as she follows behind. Coming for Lacey. I pull her toward me and stare at them, she  took Lacey in her arms and walked her out the room  leaving me alone with  him. "Take your pants off..." He says before taking another swig of his drink. "No." I answer as I stand taller.
"What?" Questions Mark as he steps closer.
"I said no..." He grabs my arm aggressively and whispers in my ear, "Take off your pants Claire. Don't make me ask again." He than throws me on the mattress. "No Dad. I don't want this anymore." He than grabs at my feet and than my jeans. "I don't remember telling you that you had a choice..." I began kicking at him, "No, no, dad stop..." He finally gets my skinny jeans off, and begins pulling at my underwear. I started to panic and began kicking harder when I hit his face. That only angered him even more. Being done with me he rips off my underwear and yanks off his own pants and underwear. "No-" I say before he forced his lips upon my and begins to-
"Claire!" Yells Karen as I wake up in a hospital bed. My eyebrows pressed together as I look around confused. "Why am I here?" She sits back down her hand still on my arm. An IV line is in my other hand. A doctor is standing over me with a flashlight that he shines into my eyes. "She's fine just a little exhausted. Make sure she gets lost of fluids and sleep." He than walks out. I look back at Karen questionably. "What? Oh right...um you sort of just dropped dead when we were talking. I went to check your pulse and it was racing rapidly so I called the ambulance." I must've looked really confused because she began to explain again, "you fainted."
"Well I got that part... Just. I don't even know, um when can I leave?" She looks me up and down and smiles.
"Why are you smiling." She stands back up and walks to the door, "Nothing you just seem to be feeling better. And to answer your  question. When your foster parents arrive. I'll see you later Claire." With that she leaves not waiting to here my smart remark. In an hour or two after my IV had been changed I stood up out of bed and headed down to the cafeteria. As I'm walking down the hall barefooted not paying attention to where I'm going I run into someone. "Hey watch- oh my god! Claire is that you!" Explains Lana mockingly.
"Umm yes." She looks me up and down a few times "looking good... For a bitch."
"Well it takes one to know one!" I say as I try to pass her, "Hey ,hi why are you in such a hurry." She asks as she stands between the path and I."I'm not, just hungry is all.."
"Oh my are, you a patient here! Wait till the school here's about the schools slut in the hospital."
"Oh joy, why don't you just snap a picture. " she than pulls out her phone, "Actually, don't mind if I do..." She stands right next to me and takes a pic of our faces saying 'look who I found in the hospital!'. I take a deep breath and try to leave again. "Wait, let me walk you to the cafeteria." I  let out a long distorted breath as she walked next to me."So tell me why are you here?"
"Lana why don't we just stick too walking not talking." She turns her back to the way we're walking and begins walking backward and pulling at my cheeks. "Why are you always so cranky?" She asks in a tone used for a child before turning back around. "Why are you always bothering me?" She sneers at me a bit, "Me bothering you ? More like you bothering me." I laugh a bit when we reach the cafeteria, "Bye Lana." As I walk through the door frame she sticks her foot out causing me to fall. Nobody notices and she just laughs and gives me her hand, "I'm so sorry! Here let me help you!" I don't want to take it but for some reason I grab for her hand when she pulls it back , "Second thought, I'm not! Have fun sweetie!" I just sit there for a moment trying not to let her get to me when some guy walks in and sees my in the floor and gives me a hand. "You good?" He asks obviously wondering why I was on the floor. "Yea I'm good, thanks." As soon as that's done I make my way to the serve yourself area. He's right behind me grabbing the tray right under mine. "Uh, do you make it a habit to stalk girls who you help off the floor?" A smirk finds its way on his face as he laughs. "No, well only the most flattering ones." I guess he was trying for a smile but he didn't get one. "Well I guess I'm a disappointment than" I grab a plate of lettuce and chicken and  a water and cookie. He grabs a hamburger and French fries. "No, Not really." As I leave the line and find a one chair table he sets his tray down and pulls a chair over. "What are you doing?"
"Sitting." He answers before dipping a fry in ketch up and eating it. "okay than..." For the next few minutes we sit in silence eating our food. "So what are you doing here." I set my fork down and clamp my hands together, "I don't know about you but I don't like to share my privacy with a stranger I just met but if you must know. I fainted and hit my head or something I don't really know I can't remember anything. "Well I happen to love sharing business with strangers." Once again looking for something he wasn't gonna get. He coughs a bit to fill the silence after his joke. "Anyways, Im here for my sister. She crashed the car and is stuck in the ICU." I take a sip of water, "oh I'm sorry."
"no no really I'm just here for hot girls siting on the cafeteria floor." I throw a piece of lettuce at him, "Really."
"Okay okay!"He says laughing, "I'm really here for my sister though she's just not in the ICU." He sees my plate is empty "here let me." I hit his hand, "No, I can throw away my own plate." I go to throw it away and make my way back to the table one last time. "I'm um, sorry about your sister and hope she's okay. But um, I gotta go." He quickly jumps up,
"wait let me give you this." He hands me a napkin. "What's this?" I ask seeing his number on it. "A napkin-" I roll my eyes at him,
"No dur dummy I was talking about the numbers." He scratches the back of his neck a bit, "oh nothing just my number... You don't have to use it only if you want to..." I begin to turn around, I hold it up as I walk out the cafeteria. "Oh believe me, I won't want too."
Update. I updated! What a happy day hahahh. I hope your all enjoying my new story 'Cause and effect'. This chapter was a little PG-13 I apologize but that's the story line for you!
Please feel free to comment about anything you liked and give me ideas for what you'd like to see later in the story.
Love you all!
Read.Comment. Share :)
Btw, I'll be posting more often now that it's summer! And update for 'I never meant to hurt 'you coming soon.

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