Chapter 11

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I let out a distorted laugh between my lips. "I ain't no princess! Imma fucking queen!" I laughed even more at Milo's foolish understatement. I abruptly stopped chuckling as my head erupted with an excruciating pain. I winced grabbing my forehead. I moved backward leaning against the counter for support. I rubbed my temples hoping to calm the throbbing.

It swiftly went away and I was left with confused on what the fuck just happened. I shrugged, at least it ended. I went downstairs to check for Elliot but it was down nearly empty. Just a few people trying to get a rest. I bounded back up the stairs and went into the lounge.

As my eyes flicked over the crowd I met eyes with the auburn headed boy I was looking for. "Elliot!" I chirped advancing toward him. He was sitting with a girl who didn't seemed to pleased by my presence. "Come dance with me and Milo!" I chided grabbing his hand trying to lift him off his seat. He didn't budge and he only gave glances to the girl next to him with an apologetic face.

"Haley, this is Melissa. She was the girl I told you about." He explained giving me a sharp look. Was I supposed to catch onto something? I tried focusing on our old conversations. He had talked about his slut ex girlfriend but never mentioned a name. Maybe this is her?

I felt a surge to go and drag him out of here. They sat awfully close and I wouldn't let him hook up with her. He's drunk and she'll just hurt him again. I opened my mouth to yell at the boy but the head pain came back. I wanted to throw up. I simply turned away rushing out of the room. Neither of them cared about my absence. I'll forget about Elliot and his stupid decisions and just get some fresh air. The pain wore away as took quick steps back into the kitchen. There was Milo taking another shot. "Milo don't drink so much. You just had one." I interrupted pulling his hand away.

"I know how much I can handle." He mumbled against the glass that was at his lips. I scowled as he downed the drink.

"Want to step outside with me? The smell of this place is making me sick." Yeah right, it's more like the alcohol is making me sick. I drank way too much.

"No, I'm good. I've got a girl waiting for me on the dance floor." He explained not giving a shit and heading back to the other room. My face fell and I huffed a breath. Both of the guys I came with are ditching for a couple of hussies. I hurried to the back door anxious for the crisp air. I slid it open to be met by a breeze. I forgot it's so cold.

I walked out anyway adjusting my eyes to the darkness. The only light I could see was the shining of a bonfire. I took a seat on one of the lawn chairs and tilted my head back taking a deep breath. This night went from amazing to shit in less than five minutes. I rolled my eyes taking some time to think.

I want to go home. How can I get there though? I have no clue where the hell this place is. Milo and Elliot drove me and I was completely oblivious of our direction. I want to leave, I want to be able to think straight, I want to not have my head hurt.

A figure stood in front of my chair covering the firelight. "You're a great dancer." A deep unfamiliar voice broke from their lips. I squinted trying to see the person's face. Their silhouette was thick and tall.

"Uh- thank you." I muttered giving him a fake little smile.

"You're welcome. You were the best in the room." He moved and took a seat at the chair across from me. I could finally see his face. It was the guy I had danced with. He had on a sloppy yet menacing grin on his features.

"I didn't notice." I blankly said trying not to sound snippy. I didn't care what the hell he thought of my dancing. I just kept on my fake smile and looked around hoping he'd leave.

"Come dance with me again?" He got up sweetly offering me a hand. I shook my head waving away his hand.

"I'm fine, thank you though." His face hardened and his jaw tighten. I felt a terror shock through me. I fidgeted not knowing what to do.

"We never finished our dancing earlier. Dance with me." He commanded this time. He clamped his hand to my upper arm gripping hard. If it was light outside his knuckles were probably white. I bit the inside of my cheek trying to contain a yelp. My eyes stung with tears and I gave him a calm look. I didn't want to upset him more. He was what Dan would call the anal drunk. They take everything up the ass then rage about it.

"I said no." I stated through clenched teeth. The pain in my arm was a thousand times more intense than the one in my head. With that I ripped my arm away and shot up from my chair. I sped walk inside filled with adrenaline. The man didn't follow but I had a feeling he would come back in sooner or later. I had to find one of the boys. I really wanted to go home and they were my only way.

I went into the room of dancing drunks and hopped onto a table. I'll find Milo. He's sweet he'll understand why I want to leave. I scanned the crowd a best as I could with my blurry vision. The deafening music didn't seem too inviting anymore. I finally spotted him with that girl he reserved a dance for. I jumped off the table and pushed through the crowd.

I finally reached Milo, who had his back to me. I gave him a light poke to get his attention but he didn't even acknowledge me. I nudged his elbow and he only shooed me away with his hand. I balled my hands into fist giving him a rough shove. He nearly tripped as he stumbled forward.

This surely got his attention to where he whipped around to face me. As soon as he saw me he gave me the most annoyed face ever. His face crumpled into a snarl and he turned around getting back to dancing. I shook my head and stormed out of the room.

Neither of them give a shit. Elliot is somewhere fucking a whore and Milo is dirty dancing with a random bimbo. I managed my way to the front door and tore it open. It hit the wall with a smack and then eased closed behind me. I took a seat on one of the steps and pulled out my phone. I immediately typed in Phil's number and began calling.

"Please pick up." I sighed as it rang a few times. "Please." I spoke softly to myself. It went to voicemail and I found myself becoming very flustered. I jammed the same number into my phone and pressed the phone to my ear. I chewed on my lip anxious for Phil to answer. He has to be up. It's only about 2 in the morning.

I was lying to myself. Nobody stayed up till two in the morning for no reason. For the second time Phil didn't answer. I wanted to chuck my phone into the street and curl into a ball of slumber. No one in London that could give a ride is up. Dan wasn't an option he didn't even have a goddamn car.

There's no way in hell I'm staying at this mess of a party. I pushed myself from the concrete and jogged down the steps. I'll get home one way or another. I glanced around hoping for a remembrance of this area. I'll take my gut feeling and go to the left. I walked down the street with an angry look set on my face. Those boys will get a beating at work.
I swear to God I will rub chlorine in those girl chasing, horny bastards' eyes then push them down multiple flights of stairs. I gritted my teeth shaking my head. This is ridiculous. My head felt like it would implode at any second due to pain and being pissed off. Phil tells me to call him if I need him. And what happens? He didn't answer. Twice. I let out jagged breathes trying not to break down. I will not let this anger turn to tears.
Minutes after walking and glaring at every street sign it finally dawned on me. I could call Taylor. We stay up late texting constantly, she would for sure pick me up. I stopped in my tracks, desperately whipping out my phone. I smashed in her number and started calling. It rang once before she answered. At least I have one friend with the decency to answer their phone.
"Hello?" She called out into the phone.
"Hey- uhm, I'm a little lost." I muttered out. I hope I was even speaking English. The only thing I could think about was the headache I had.
"What are you confused about?"
"No Taylor, I'm like- literally lost. I was wondering if you could find me?" I said laughing at my misfortune. It's even better when you say my current situation out loud. I'm nearly a grown woman and I'm lost.
"Oh... I think I can manage doing that. Can you find a street sign anywhere? I'll just use my GPS." She calmly replied. Her tone of voice made a wave of relief wash over me. I glanced searching for one.
"I got one! It's- Benedict Drive!" I yelled out pointing a finger at it excitedly.
"Got it. I'll try and find you, boo."
"Thank you so, so, soooo much." I gratefully thanked into the phone.
"No problem. Hang tight for a few minutes okay?" I looked around at the dark streets. Without anger blinding me I was actually kind of worried of standing alone.
"H-how about we stay on the phone?" I stuttered chuckling a weak laugh. I heard her laugh lightly.
.~•Author's Note•~.
Howdy babies! Don't worry this isn't all of the conflict. (Yay!) ;D Anywaay, I officially started high school this week... Jesus Christ, roll me in macaroni and call me a pancake(idk, I'm kinda weird.), I did not see all this stress coming. I want to curl in a ball with my headphones in and read fanfic all day.
Don't tell me, "School doesn't work that way Haley." BECAUSE I WILL MAKE IT WORK THAT WAY DAMMIT. .__. Whatever, but yus ill still update on my designated Thursdays! It's all for you, perfect little creatures. ~ <33

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