Chapter 12

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My door creaked open and Kyle's face and scruffy beard peaked inside. "You awake?" He whispered even though I was looking him straight in the eye.

"No." I groaned out throwing a pillow at him. He didn't even flinch he just watched as it completely missed his body. A flimsy laugh escaped his lips as he advanced toward my bed.

"How was the party?" He asked in a small voice as he sat onto my bed. He had a smile on his face but I didn't send one back.

"Dumb. My friends are douche bags when they're drunk." I grumbled sitting upward. He gave me sympathetic look and got up.

"Come into the kitchen. I've got hangover food and your tea."

"Blackberry tea?" I questioned with an eyebrow quirked up. He nodded escaping out of the door. I slid from my bed and wiggled onto a hoodie. I stretched out my limbs and blinked wearily as I walked out of my room. I felt like hell.

I approached the entry of the kitchen to see Brandon sitting at the island bar absorbed into his phone. I rolled my eyes and moved past him to the food. I grabbed my plate and a fork and sat beside the kid. I shoved a strawberry into my mouth and sneakily looked over his shoulder. He was on twitter. I shrugged taking another bite of food.

He doesn't have a twitter...

I glanced back seeing that the phone was purple. That's my phone! I dropped my fork and ignored the loud clash as it clattered onto my plate. I rapidly reached over snatching it from his palms. I gave him death glare because I wasn't awake enough to scream at him.

"You left it in the living room last night, and you had a quite a few tweets."

"So you take that as entry to look through it?" I hissed at him through a snarl. He only shrugged knowing not to beckon me into a tantrum. He walked out of the kitchen leaving me by myself. I took a deep breath and looked at what he was so concentrated in.

Pictures. Many pictures from last night. I rested my chin in my hand an scrolled through them. Milo was in tons of them and I found myself smiling. He was always the person people wanted to be around. I'm sure I won't be able to stay mad at him long.

As I went farther into the album of photos I eventually found about two of myself. They were of when I was actually with boys and having a blast. I wish the party stayed like that the whole time.

I clicked off my phone as I heard footsteps coming back in. If it was Kyle didn't want him seeing pictures of me that crazy. It ended up being Kyle but different looking from why I expected him. He was wearing work clothes a his hair was freshly showered. My smile quickly diminished. "You're going to work?" I asked disappointedly.

"They need as many hands as they can get." He responded popping some food off my plate into his mouth. I huffed out a quick sigh and continued eating. I hated how his job company was so needy. I would like to spend time with the brother I barely see anymore. "This new game is going to be a chart smasher." He confidently said slipping his phone off the counter.

He worked in a company that pitched ideas for new video game concepts. His imagination never stopped running and unfortunately neither did he. "I'll see you later then." I quietly answered, I was hoping to hangout with him like we used to.

"I promise we'll spend time together soon. I've actually got a surprise for you but you open it next Friday." He told me instantly making me perk up.

"Will I like it?"

"Undoubtedly." He smiled at me. I smiled back warmly. God, he's just the greatest. He gave me a quick hug and walked out toward the front door.

As soon as I heard the door open and close I pulled out my phone. I glanced at the pictures before retweeting my favorite ones. After that I got up, placing my plate I'm the sink and proceeding back to my room to get ready for my day.

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