Chapter 13

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"Have a good weekend Mari!" I cheered across the pool at my coworker. She gave me a smile and a wave. Once she steered out of sight I let my shoulders drop and my small grin fade away. I let out a sigh glancing around the water park. I was worn out. After being so hysterical lately I've nearly been drained of emotion. Just kind of a numb, lifeless, body of dull matter.
I adjusted the bag on my shoulder ready to go home. I huffed in a breath before pushing through the doors. I stared at my shoes making my way down the carpeted hallways. I hummed along slow little melodies as I went. Families of happy couples and small children passed by, each of them going to their respected rooms. Some were teenagers who just lingered, disobeying their parent instructions to hurry back.
I made it into the lobby saying my goodbye to Barbie who sat behind her desk getting ready to go as well. I have found myself actually growing fond of her. If you get over the fear of her being so fake, she's in reality a very sweet woman. A woman who just wants to impress her boss and put smiles on everyone's faces.
The automatic doors opened for me greeting me to the dark parking lot. It's been getting darker so much more earlier lately. Winter is finally nearing and I was really excited for it. To be honest it was the only thing I was excited for.
I glanced around for my car before spotting it. Why did I park so damn far? I rolled my eyes beginning to trudge toward it. I pulled my keys from my pocket and clutched them into my palm. My fingertips ran across the cool metal. A little smile formed onto my mouth. The cold from it emitted little waves of shock through my hand. The feeling felt almost all too familiar.
I scowled realizing it was similar to the shock from Phil's touch. I took a deep breath wishing I could forget about the boy. I looked down at the keys. They were starting to feel like acid in my hands the more I thought about it.
I bent my arm back whipping my keys across the parking lot. A loud clash filled the air as they met with the lamp post. I don't know where I was aiming but luckily it landed close to where I parked. A smirk tugged on my mouth as I continued walking. The devious side of me filled with joy at the sound. I'll probably kick them back to my car with the mood I'm in.
I unlocked the apartment door and slipped in silently. The silence didn't last long though. I shoved the door closed a little too rough than intended causing it to slam. I winced at the unexpected sound before proceeding on. I kicked off my shoes and they collided with the wall creating even more noise. Good God, I cannot control myself today. My anger is just manipulating me slowly isn't it.
I yanked off my sweater tossing it to the side and made my way to the living room. I heard Brandon running his mouth as usual. I decided to join them knowing I didn't have anything else to do. As I walked in they both turned to face me.
"What are you guys talking about?" I asked, falling onto the couch cushion between the two.
"Christmas." Brandon said running fingers through his blonde hair. I kicked my feet up onto the coffee table nodding.
"Okay... And?" I questioned and glanced at Kyle. He shrugged clicking buttons on the remote.
"Brandon is just kind of ranting, I haven't been listening." Kyle answered with laughter in his voice. Nobody ever really listened to Brandon. He had a tendency to just talk about the dumbest things. I turned back toward Brandon to see what he thought about Kyle's words. He didn't seem effected, almost oblivious.
"What are you getting me for a present Haley? You've got a job and money and-" Brandon started to say but I cut him off.
"I'll get you a piece of string and a paper clip. How does that sound?" I replied giving a fake grin. He crossed his arms pouting at his lap. I glanced over at Kyle who was exiting the room. I turned back and watched as Brandon slowly slid down in his seat. He didn't stop as his feet hit the floor and his butt was hanging off the cushion.
"Sounds like shit." He mumbled before fully sliding off the couch onto the floor. I laughed at the sight, knowing he was playing around. He was always acting like an idiot just to get any sort of positive reaction from me. A small grin pulled at his lips as I giggled.
Lately it's taken some effort to make me cheery. My mindset of happiness kind of switched off this week. I have no clue how to turn it back on. I've had my moments of joy but they easily slip away in mere seconds. I gave a sympathetic smile reaching down and ruffling his hair. At least he tried.
I started to stand up but Kyle came back into the room pushing me onto the seat. I gave him a nasty look out of habit but brushed it off quickly as I noticed he had his hands behind his back.
"Close your eyes!" Kyle instructed me sounding excited. I shook my head trying to peak at what was in his hands.
"Why? What is it?" I curiously asked, squirming around to get a view.
"Just do it!" Kyle laughed at me. I reverted my eyes to Brandon who gestured me to do it. I was very unsure of what they're planning. I gently put my hands over my eyes.
"Better not be a spider. I'll be doing some ass whipping if it is." I grumbled, beginning to be impatient. They've done it before. They get a kick out of watching me panic unfortunately.
"It's your present, I told you about on Sunday!" He informed me and I instantly became less frigid. Kyle never jokes about presents, so I'm for sure it's not a prank.
"Okay, okay, okay- can I open my eyes yet?" I pestered getting tired of being sightless.
"Yup!" He chirped from in front of me. I tore my hands away from my vision and looked down at his palms. I gasped and my smile grew gigantic. In his hands he held three strips of paper. Plane tickets for the three of us to go to Chicago. "Merry early Christmas!" Kyle and Brandon both said knowing I was too shocked for words. Kyle's arms were the first to collapse around me in a hug. I didn't know how to react or what to say.
I was only certain that I get to visit back home. My home sickness will finally be nurtured to health. The void in my heart might actually get filled. I get to see my mom. I get to see my friends. I get to get my mind away from things.
It seemed surreal that I officially got a break from my current hell hole of a life. Brandon's arms wrapped around me and Kyle tangling all of us into a group hug. My eyes began to water as I found myself overjoyed.
They both broke away from the hug and watched me break down in tears.
"You guys!" I drawled laughing a little. Kyle laughed along smiling at me. Brandon stood off the side seeming satisfied with my reaction.
"I think we all needed some cheering up. Plus what is Christmas if you're not with the whole family?" Kyle told me. I ignored the first part knowing that by 'we all' he meant me. Him and Brandon have been their normal selves. But the second portion was spot on. A holiday without the rest of us would've been so terrible.
"You two are the best." I thanked as a tear officially dripped onto my cheek.
"I've never seen you like this." Brandon commented smiling. I breathed out a laugh as I only continued crying more. I'm so hectic because home is all I've thought about. It's all I've wanted. Home is comfort, while London is so unfamiliar and foreign still. It's kind of funny how my opinion on the two places have flipped so much since the day I've moved here.
"Shut up and one of you hug me." I commanded at the both of them.
"The sentiment in the air is starting to make me sick. Honestly, I think I'll pass." Brandon replied putting his hands up in surrender. He's never been one for sappy moments. He'd always get all awkward during cute scenes in movies too. With that Brandon left the room probably going to his own bedroom. I shrugged and just hugged Kyle.
I held onto him taking calmer breaths. Once I felt better I pulled away and smiled at him. "I've got one more thing!" He continued and I nodded my smile pulling wider. He seemed excited to tell me. "It's been a few weeks since we've planned it and, " He trailed off leaving me on my toes.
"Go on." I said beckoning him to tell me. All of this suspense today was killing me. Now I was anxious to hop and that plane and get out of here. Away from all of this British atmosphere.
"Dan and Phil scheduled to come along with us!" He cheered gripping both of my hands. His smile was wide and ecstatic. I froze and tightened my hold on his hands. "Mom had invited Dan at first, then she felt bad for Phil, taking away his roommate for so long, but you know Mom, people pleaser, so she gave Phil the option to tag along with us!" He happily announced pulling me in for yet another hug.
"And he said yes... Wow. That- uhm, that's- wonderful." I stuttered out dazing at the wall. Simply wonderful... Vacation with his best friend and my best friend. Or in better terms vacation with my recent ex-boyfriend and best friend. Tears welled back into my eyes. These tears weren't like the ones a few minutes ago. I unlatched from his grip and mustered up the most believable smile I could.
"Stop being so happy and quit crying already." He chuckled placing the plane ticket in my hand before leaving the lounge. I didn't answer and just walked into my room. I clicked the door shut behind me throwing the ticket onto my desk. I felt like I was dreaming. This was just a nightmare. I'm sure of it.
I sat on the end of my bed placing my head in my hands. I needed to wake up. I rubbed my eyes not caring about the makeup. It's a dream, it won't matter when I wake up anyway.
As I glanced back up from my palms I was still in the same position. I took my index finger and dragged my nail across my leg. This will definitely work. I shuttered in a deep breath as my leg began to sting. I ran my hands through my hair ignoring the pain. This wasn't a nightmare. I tilted my head back staring at the ceiling.
I bit my bottom lip holding in a scream. I fell back onto my bed shutting my eyes. "This is fucking ridiculous." I quietly groaned pulling the blankets over me. I wrapped myself into a fort of sheets and let out a stressed sigh. I'll sleep it off.
Sleep is always a perfect remedy.

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