Chapter 1

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A/N: Man, I'm always nervous when starting a new story. This story was inspired by the show Supernatural and I've borrowed a few elements from it.  In this story, my characters are a bit OOC (out of character), but it does involve vamps and humans.  Updates for now will be every two weeks.  Okay, well (insert deep breath from me) on you go.


"C'mon, sweet thang, don't be like that.  I promise to make you feel good." the guy leered at Alice as she played coy in the dirty motel room we were in.

"I don't know," she said quietly.  "Drugs are bad for you."

The guy with black hair gave a laugh and did his best to assure Alice it would be fine.  He wanted to get her hopped up on drugs so when he killed her, she wouldn't make a fuss.  Some vamps got off on listening to their prey scream and beg, while others didn't want to draw attention to themselves.  Apparently, this guy was of the quiet variety.  Too bad it was going to be his last night on earth.  As Alice played him, I snuck out of the closet and tossed a vile of lighter fluid on his back.

"What the fuck?!" he roared, whirling around with a shocked look on his face when he saw me there.  If he'd been more focused on his surroundings instead of on his next meal, I would've never taken him by surprise.

"Burn baby, burn," Alice said with a grin as she tossed the lighter she'd just lit on him.  The fucker erupted into flames, letting out an anguished howl before turning into a pile of smoldering ash.  The one good thing about vampires was that they burned quickly and left nothing but a pile of ash that could easily be swept up.

"Man, that was way too easy," Ali said as we cleaned up the mess the guy had made.

"I wish they were all that easy," I told her, thinking about the broken ribs and arm I'd gotten a few months ago after a vampire had gotten his arms around me.  They were wicked strong and could crush a human easily. 

"So, where to next?" she asked. 

That was always the question.  It all depended on where vampire attacks were.  Sometimes, we'd spend days scouring the Internet and papers for suspicious deaths only to drive hundreds of miles and find nothing.  Sometimes, we found more than we bargained for.  Last year in Atlanta, we stumbled upon a small coven of vamps trying to take over the downtown area.  We had to call in reinforcements because there was no way the two of us could take out six vamps at once.  Hell, even with help it had almost been impossible, but we'd finished them off.  It was our job.  We were hunters, vampire hunters to be specific.  There weren't a lot of us in the U.S., and we all tended to know one another.  We might not have all gotten along or liked each other very well, but you could usually count on another hunter to help out or feed you information.  It was just the way we worked.

I loved my job despite the fact it was a thankless job.  We didn't get paid to hunt down and kill vamps.  Most of our money came to us illegally, and our job was all about breaking the rules.  Very little of what we did was legal.  Hell, if we were ever caught by the police, I'd hate to think of the charges they'd throw our way: impersonation of federal or government employees, credit card fraud, theft, harboring of illegal weapons.  Yeah, we'd be in a world of hurt and that was why we had to be constantly vigilant.  Being a good liar didn't hurt either.  Dad had taught me how to do the job and how to do it well.  I owed it all to him.

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