Chapter 7

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A/N:  Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!  It's super appreciated!  I always enjoy hearing what you thought about the chapter.  Hope everyone is having a good Friday.  I managed to get myself a 4 day weekend, so I'm doing my best to enjoy it, although this warm weather is killing me.  I'm a fall weather kind of gal.  Big thanks to Gigi Scott and gatorgrl91 for their awesome beta skills.


The next two days almost crawled by, and yet, at the same time, they passed by quickly. The time was spent trying to relax, but I think we were all a bit nervous and anxious to see what Carlisle would find out. When Thursday arrived, Carlisle kissed Esme goodbye, gave the rest of us hugs, and headed out. Alice assured us all it would be fine. I hoped she was right.

Throughout the morning, Alice kept us informed as to the decisions Carlisle was making. At one point, I asked if she could see the decisions that Victoria was making.

She shook her head. "Not at the moment. She keeps changing her mind as does Felix. Until one of them makes a definite decision, I'm flying blind."

"Well, here's hoping he's trustworthy and doesn't try and double cross us," Emmett said, crossing his massive arms over his chest.

"Demetri trusts Felix, so we will as well," Esme said, her voice the voice of reason. I didn't trust Demetri, but I'd worked with him long enough to know that he kept his word. Beyond that, I couldn't say that I'd trust him with my life. As far as I knew, he wasn't a vegetarian, and I never asked how he got his meals. I was better off not knowing ;because, if I knew, I'd probably kill him, and I needed him for information.

By six o'clock that evening, the Cullens were a nervous bunch. It was almost comical to see five vampires pacing around their living room. Alice was the only one not pacing, and she kept trying to get Jasper to send out waves of calm to help everyone. Twenty minutes later, they all let out a collective sigh, and I could only assume that meant that Carlisle was near. The second he was in the door, he was wrapped up in Esme's arms, and I realized just how worried she'd been. She'd played it cool, keeping a level head, but she'd been just as nervous as the rest of us.

"Felix sent me a text about five minutes before our meeting letting me know he couldn't get away, but that Victoria knew we were in town and was going to send one of her newborns. About ten minutes later, we were contacted by one of her newborns. The girl had a message for us," he began.

As he spoke, I wondered why Alice hadn't seen Victoria's decision, and judging from the frown on her face, she was wondering the same.

"What was the message?" Esme asked.

"Victoria said she'd leave the area, taking her newborns with her if we hand over Bella."

"Not happening," Edward growled.

Carlisle held up a hand. "Calm yourself, Edward. No one is handing Bella over to Victoria. We'll find another way to stop her. I'll give Eleazar a call and see if he would be willing to help us out should we need it."

Oh, goodie. Like I wanted to see or deal with Tanya again. Then again, maybe she and Rosalie would keep each other occupied, and they'd leave me alone. That, or they'd gang up on me and hand me over to Victoria.

"Come on," Edward said, helping me up from the couch. "Let's get out of here for a bit."

"Sure," I told him.

"Be careful," Carlisle told us. "And please be alert. Victoria has spies everywhere, and I don't want the two of you to be caught off guard."

"We'll be careful," Edward promised, tapping his finger against his temple. "I'll hear anyone who has thoughts of Victoria, and I'm sure Alice will look out for us as well."

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