Chapter 5

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A/N: Thanks for all the reviews!  I love hearing what you thought of the chapter. 


Several hours later, I found myself sitting in a sparsely decorated living room in a house about twenty miles west of where we'd been. I sat on one of the two chairs in the room and listened as the Denalis and Edward discussed locations and possible whereabouts of the vamps we were searching for. I sat quietly eating a granola bar as they talked.

"God, could you chew any louder?" Tanya whined, shooting me a nasty glare.

"Sure," I said and began eating as nosily as possible. I knew it was childish, but she was getting on my last nerve. Tanya shot me another dirty look, and I rolled my eyes at her. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why she disliked me so much but whatever. I wasn't all that fond of her either.

By midnight, I was fucking exhausted and struggling to keep my eyes open. The Denalis and Edward had come up with a plan of sorts, but I'd only be able to hear half of it. They spent most of their time talking super fast and super quiet, leading me to believe they were up to something. I was beginning to think I wasn't really needed, and I wondered if visiting the Denalis had all been a part of Edward's plan. Although, what purpose it served I didn't know.

"Why don't you go to bed?" Edward suggested, seeing me yawning. I wasn't comfortable sleeping in a house full of vampires, particularly when I didn't trust them.

"I won't let anything happen to you. I promise," he said upon seeing my hesitation. Finally, I nodded and gave in. I was led upstairs by Eleazar's wife, Carmen, and shown to a guest room. I didn't have any clothes to change into so I kicked off my shoes and sat down on the bed. I was fucking exhausted and my body ached, but I was afraid to let my guard down. There was no way Edward would be able to protect me against all of them if they decided to have a Bella snack. Unable to keep my eyes open any longer, I lay out on the bed and was soon fast asleep.

My bladder woke me up a couple of hours later and again, I was more than a bit startled to see Edward sitting in a chair in the room gazing out the window.

"I thought you'd feel safer if I was here," he told me, and I nodded. I did feel a bit better knowing he was looking out for me. Yeah, it unnerved me a bit knowing he was watching me sleep, but in this instance it did make me feel safer.

Coming back from the bathroom and trying not to focus on the fact that he could hear everything I did, I climbed back into the bed. Minutes later, I was out. The next time I woke up, I was alone, but I heard the sound of footsteps outside my door. A glance at my phone showed me it was a little after six. It was way too early to be up. Quickly using the bathroom and washing my face, I headed downstairs where I found a pissed off Edward facing a smug looking Tanya.

"I told you we'd take care of it and, we did," she said, and Edward let out a growl.

"You knew that Bella and I wanted in on this. Last night, you promised you wouldn't do anything without us. I should have known you weren't to be trusted. You've always been good at lying," he said, arms crossed over his chest.

If what I was hearing was right, it sounded like Tanya and the rest of her coven had located the vampires Edward and I had been after and had taken them out. While I was glad to know the vamps were gone, I was more than a bit pissed that the bitch had stolen my case after promising we'd work together.

"So you got them all, huh? Guess you want a thanks or a congratulations?" I asked from behind her. She turned to face me, that smug look still on her face.

"No need. It wasn't like we needed your help," she said with a sneer. "Not much a pathetic little human could do against them."

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh believe me, sister, there's plenty that I can do against you. Why don't you just stand right there while I pull out my lighter and light you up?"

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