CHAPTER #6- Sanctuary

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A month or so later, Nari was out getting art supplies. She'd been sketching again and doing some acrylic painting. Something about being around the creativity that flowed throughout the AOMG office, inspired her too. She wanted to do something for them, but hadn't decided on what medium to use. The unfortunate thing, was that her favourite art supply store was very close to the location of her Gram's flower shop. Nari chose to wear dark sunglasses and a hoodie over her head and baseball cap. The art store cashier gave her an odd look.

"Migraine," her translator app said for Nari in Korean.

The lady knowingly nodded, but still watched her get the supplies. Nari paid and left, looking around as she exited. What she saw made her heart skip a beat. HE couldn't be here! Why was HE here? How could her Grams invite such an evil person into their lives. Nari bolted. She was scared and prayed that they hadn't recognized her. She got in a cab and they drove, not towards her apartment, even that seemed compromised. When the taxi stopped, Nari paid and quickly went into the office doors, finally removing the sunglasses.

"Hi Nari, Simon D's out of town, remember?" One of the office girls said in English.

"I know... is Jay or Cha Cha here?"

The office girls realized something was wrong. Nari was visibly scared. "Both are in the recording studio. But you can wait in Jay's office, help yourself to the fridge."

Nari nodded and went straight to Jay Park's office. AOMG made her feel safer. She paced in the room and then finally sat on the floor, using the coffee table in front of the couch to put her new sketch pad on. The eyes that haunted her mind, took shape first. The face belonging to those evil eyes came next. She stared at it, then words spewed forth onto the sketch pad, around that face.

Meanwhile Jay Park and Cha Cha took a break. They went to the fridge for some water and that's when the office girl approached. "Jay, Nari is waiting in your office. She knows that Simon's not here. She asked for you and Chase. Something's wrong... she looked freaked out. It's been over an hour and we haven't seen her come out since."

Jay thanked her, then he and Cha Cha went to his office. They saw her working on something, so intensely that she hadn't noticed them standing there. "Nari?"

She gave a surprised squeak. Jay Park and Cha Cha both thought it was cute, until they saw the fear in her eyes. "Sorry we didn't mean to startle you."

"I'm the one who should apologize... I didn't know where else to go... Mom use to... but she's....," her words were disjointed.

Jay crouched down beside her, "hey it's okay. Whatever it is, we'll help you."

Chase added, "you're safe here."

She stared at him a minute and then blurted, "he's here."

Not understanding Chase asked, "who's here? The guy in your sketch?"

Nari nodded, fear radiating off her in waves.

Jay suddenly understood, "the Canadian jerk-off?"

"He... he's here in Seoul... with Grams."

Knowing that Nari was jumpy, Jay carefully held out his hand to her. He waited until her hand was in his and then slowly stood them up. "We will keep you safe. Tonight you'll stay at my house and tomorrow Simon D will be back... okay?"

Nari nodded, but fear remained in her eyes. Jay gently hugged her, feeling her body tremble. "Trust me, that asshole won't lay a hand on you."

"What you wrote around his face,'s good. Like we could make these into lyrics," Chase said.

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