CHAPTER #32- Comfortable

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Nari heard Simon D arrive at his mom's house. She didn't know what to do; run, hide, stay where she was frozen on the couch. He walked in, tears in his eyes. That made her heart clench, she still loved him so much. Simon D couldn't see due to the tears and smashed his shin on the coffee table. He swore and immediately apologized to his mom. That made Nari smile. She stood up and took his hand, helping him sit beside her.

"I know sorry doesn't mean anything. I promise that I will never get so drunk, that I hurt you ever again. Please Nari, believe in us again."

"I love you so much Ki-Seok. But you let me down and broke my trust. However, your mom's right, it could've been worse."

"I'll prove to you, that you can trust me again. I know it will take time. I love you Nari. I need you by my side and in my life."

She nodded and they hugged, his remorse was genuine and heart felt. They both were crying.

Jang Sun-Pil interrupted, "you two should stay here tonight. Have you eaten Ki-Seok?"

"No, I'm starving. As soon as I got off my flight in Seoul, I got on the flight to here."

"Talk with your mom, I'll make you something." Nari got up and went into the kitchen.

"How long has she been here mom?"

"Nari said she rode to Busan after telling off her friend Mi-hi's sister. She didn't even know where she was going. I think her mother in heaven, guided her daughter to me. But it wasn't until noon today that Nari called here. We had a long talk, that neither of you should run away from your problems. Talking, communicating, it's the only way to handle relationship issues."

"I kissed another woman mom, the fault is all on me. I don't blame her for running away. I just want her to come back."

Nari came in, "food's on the table for you."

When she turned away, Simon D reached for her hand. "Thank you Nari. You're always taking care of me."

She looked at him. "I just can't understand how you didn't know that her kisses, weren't mine. Even drunk, I knew the difference between you and Jay."

Dang Sun-Pil chose to leave them alone to talk again, because Nari finally was telling her feelings about that night. Truth would finally come forth, then things could be fixed. She looked heaven ward, with a smile. 'Your daughter and my son, will be okay.'

"I was so messed up that night. Drank way too much...." Simon D tried to remember what happened and answer her questions.

"No relationship is perfect and after Fred, you were the perfect boyfriend. And even though there is no excuse for what happened, we have a heart connection. It didn't matter how far I ran, I couldn't completely close myself off from you." Nari admitted. "Just look, I rode all the way to Busan... to your mom. Not Jay's mom, not my mom's grave, but your mom.... Anyway, let's learn and leave it in the past. Go eat."

While Simon D ate, Nari helped his mom prepare the rooms for them to sleep in. Then he wanted to go for a walk with her. When they left the house, Nari opened the door first, not giving him a chance to offer an arm or hand. As they walked, Simon D told her about the concert he'd just come back from. Then he asked how she'd been and what had happened at Mi-hi's place. By the time they returned, Nari's hand held his. He was sore from the flight and she offered to give him a back rub. Moving into the room prepared for him, Simon D took off his shirt. Using lotion from the bathroom, Nari worked the soreness out of his back. Simon D fell asleep. For a little bit, after she'd covered him with a blanket, Nari just watched him. Finally leaving quietly, she went to her room and went to bed.

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