CHAPTER #19- Loyalty Can't Be Bought

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When Nari woke up in the morning, she saw Simon D asleep, still holding her hand and head resting on the edge of the hospital bed. Trying to reach the water jug, is what woke him up.

"Good morning Nari, how are you feeling?" He poured a glass of water and passed it to her.

She took a sip and answered, "sore all over, good thing it was a car hitting me and not a truck."

"Don't even go there," Simon chided.

"You stayed by my side all night? I'm okay now. You can go home and freshen up if you want."

"I want to hear from the doctor first. Then I'll go home, but I'll be right back. Nothing's more important than you Nari."

His eyes told her Simon D spoke the truth. "I'm so sorry for all this drama. AOMG should be where your attention is focused, not on me."

Right then Jay Park and all of the AOMG crew that was in town, came to her bedside. Everyone was carrying flowers. "He's right where he's supposed to be and never mind you being sorry. It wasn't your fault. My guess is your psycho Grandmother was jealous of your success. Her hate drove her insane."

"Wow, you guys, thank you. So beautiful all the flowers! But I don't have room for them here," Nari beamed. "Yeah the accident is all on her and the drama should stop now too."

The nurse came by, "honey you have a lot of people who care about you. The whole room smells like a flower shop."

"I think you guys should give a flower to everyone you see. Spread the love that you've shown me.... except maybe the bouquet from Jay and Gray. Those two are mine, I can't help but be a little selfish," Nari winked.

"Good idea," Chase said, handing a flower to the nurse who was looking at Nari's chart. He laid on the charm and was rewarded with a bright red blush.

Nari started coughing and everyone stopped talking, alarmed that there was a problem. The nurse said that it was normal, but she'd have to be careful of not catching an infection during the recovery period. The medication she was on, would help towards that.

"I'm fine, really, I'm just sore all over. Excuse me, do you know when I'll be released from here?" Nari asked the nurse.

Jay Park told everyone to clear out and then along with Simon D, listened to the details for Nari's release and home care. They were just finished, when Gray returned.

"Media is trying to get in to see Nari and it's not because of her association with AOMG." Gray reported.

"They must've found out about Grams and I," Nari fretted.

"I've got an idea, which will make them forget all about you." Jay smirked. "Come on guys, we've got work to do in this hospital."

His plan was to go to the critically injured patients; both children and adults. They'd sign autographs and take pictures. To the female patients they'd all get a flower too. Hoody would do her best to make the male patients happy too. Media would fall over themselves to be part of what would be known as promotion for AOMG. As Jay Park predicted, their PR moment was leaked by one of the nurses to the media and Nari's situation became old news.

While the AOMG crew were spreading cheer, Nari had fallen asleep again. She didn't wake until late in the evening and found that Simon D had once again return to her side. He was sleeping in a chair the nurses had provided him. Her heart swelled with love.

"Mom, thanks for watching over me and Ki-Seok... all of AOMG," Nari whispered, her hand over her heart and eyes looking up.

Simon D still woke. "How's my love?"

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