The Adventures of Nag and Worry

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(The above is just some doodles I did for the story, so yeah)

The ride was fun? The crew stopped multiple times for a hotel or to eat, or they slept in the car. Bill loved the experience to see the world he morphed himself into. As the hundreds of miles that passed during that week, the more he wanted to be human. Several times as they stopped at a gas station, Bill cried uncontrollably, as if the world was crushing on top of him. Yet he would be done quickly, dried his tears and went back into the car. No one questioned it. Now as he stood in front of the haunted home, and he could feel them. Two of his brothers, Aeshma and Malphas. They were one of the most violent ones, but he knew ones who were worse. He couldn't be sensed here. It might've been too late already.

"Dipper?" He called to the brunette, who turned towards him.

"I-I'm just going to go on a walk." He spoke nervously. Dipper looked confused like normal.

"Is everything okay Bill?"

"Yes?" Bill said, trying to throw him off.

"I don't think so. You're acting afraid..."

"Just leave me be okay?" Bill said in an angry whisper. He walked east of the home, following the sidewalk. Bill could sense Dipper's footsteps behind him. "I need to run." Bill thought. Thinking rationally took too much time now, and he started to sprint. There was a deep wooden area south of the house, and Bill raced towards it.

"BILL!" Dipper screamed, "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Dipper started to pick up speed, and he called to his sister and Pacifica to delay the appointment with the owner of the haunted home. Bill ran feet ahead, and he decided to climb a tall oak tree, with enough branches to hide him up onto the sky. As Bill slowly climbed the tree, and once he was high enough that Dipper couldn't see him, he held tight to the tree. If only he just wasn't here.

"I'm so fucking sorry." Bill's head hit the tree, and he could feel his eyes quiver. He tried to fight the tears away, yet they were too powerful for him. His lip quivered as well, and he was shaking silently. Dipper unknowingly stood at the base of the tree, being able to find the demon by his tears. He stood quietly as he could, hearing small mumbles of "I'm so sorry, I know you hate me, I'm just a TERRIBLE FUCKING BEING. I DON'T EVER DESERVE YOU. I WILL ONLY CAUSE YOU TO FUCKING DIE."

Dipper gasped. Bill's ear twitched, and he raised his head to the boy below. Dipper's eyes felt blurred and heavy for the first time in years.

"Bill, holy shit I'm so fucking sorry. You didn't do anything wrong, I'm the one who's at fault here!" Dipper put his hand on his heart to prove a point.

"NO YOU AREN'T." Bill raised his hand, and swiped to the left. A giant gust of wind hit Dipper in the gut, causing him to fly backwards onto the ground. Dipper's thoughts were taken away from him, and he sunk into a forced sleep. Bill's eyes widened, and he started to sob. He cried to the air, he clawed into the tree, screaming his sorrows to the sky. Bill did anything to make himself be payed back. He sacked himself in the head with his fist, he DESERVED  IT ALL.

Welcome to the plot.

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