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So that's me I'm Willow Grace Wilson. I'm 5'7 which is very short for our age. You could call this a very cliché moment where I tell you that my mom died last year, and my dad blames me for her death. Well its something like that. When my mom was still alive we were a very normal family. It was just my dad, mom, Forrest, and me Willow. My mom named me after her favorite tree, because we used to have one in our backyard. That tree was my safe heaven. My dad named my brother after the forest that was right behind our house. His full name is Forest Gabriel Wilson. After my mom died my dad and all of us went threw a deep depression. My dad starting getting drunk and coming home around 1:00 in the morning. My brother wouldn't even stay at our house he would just stay at a friends for a week come back for 2 to 3 days, and then leave again. One day my dad got so drunk he started hurting me physically. Now my dad abuses me on a regular bases. My brother even blames my for my mothers death and hasn't talked to me since my moms funeral. Three months after my dad started abusing me I couldn't take it a more so I rushed to the bathroom and grabbed the razor from the shower. I put the blades on my skin and cut my arm. It felt so good. I felt like I deserved this hurting myself. I then went to my thighs and cut there knowing it would be hard to walk the next day. It was so addicting. It was t like it felt bad it felt wonderful to feel the pain and watch the blood come out in bubbles then once they touch the air pop and run down my arm. I haven't stopped since and neither has my father. The worst my father has done is when he cut me.
" you worthless bitch where were you" he yelled at me " I was at the grocery store getting food for dinner" I replied then he yelled at me " no you weren't bitch you were probably hanging out with a boy, but that's it the last straw don't move" I sat up and waited for him while he walked into the kitchen.

Once he came back I saw the knife in he hand while he walked towards me. He then sliced the knife along my stomach making a line about 4 inches long. " how dare you talk to a boy that's not your brother our me how dare you" he yelled " I didn't" I whispered " are yo talking back to me bitch, I wish your mother never gave birth to you its all your fault she's gone and now your gonna pay" he screamed.

*flashback ended*

I also have a big secret I'm a werewolf! My fur is pure genius white and my eyes are still midnight blue.

Hope you guys like the new book. Write ya later my lovelies.😘

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