Chapter 2: Birthday! Im 18 Baby!

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         Willows POV
Today is my birth day! I was born August 16, 1999.  We get to spend my birthday with my grandma and grandpa. I'm actually going to have a good birthday! We're staying overnight since they live in Nebraska, and we live in Kansas. I packed my duffle bag with one bra, underwear, an outfit for the next day, an outfit for today, shoes, and my toiletries. " Willow get your ass down here" my father yelled. I ran down the stairs and walked over to the car so I could put my bag in the back. We have a four hour drive to Nebraska. " Now Willow I don't want any noise coming from you this whole car ride unless I ask you something got it" he said rudely. I just nodded and locked out the window, and fell asleep. " wake up bitch" my dad yelled " I don't want you to say anything to your grandparents about me unless it's good things got it or else your beating will be one of the worst" he said. I just nodded again.

"Willow darling happy birthday sweet pea" my grandma said " oh I missed you " she squealed. I took my bag up into the quest room where I usually stay. i unpacked and, put everything on the dresser. ^^^^. "Dinners ready" my dad yelled while I ran down the stairs. " your favorite spaghetti and garlic bread is for dinner" she said happily. I just her a great big hug. We ate dinner it was like nothing was wrong, but I knew I was leaving tomorrow. Once we were done with dinner I helped with the dishes and then went to bed.

Kinda short chapter I know but I wanted to have her birthday party in the next chapter. Write ya later my lovelies😘

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