Chapter Five.

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Part One

By the time Monday morning rolled around I was refreshed and ready for school, granted I was behind in my chem homework but I'll catch up at lunch, when in the kitchen I ate my cereal in peace until Ron walked in of course with Aiden trailing behind.

"Morning Lydia is your dad here?" I nodded swallowing my cereal.

"Yup he's just getting ready, putting extra time into his appearance today, even asked me if he should wear his charcoal grey suit or his ash grey suit, think he's trying to impress someone." I suggested maki Ron chuckle, Aiden coughed 'Miss Harris' and I smirked knowing all too well that my dad had a crush.

"Well don't wanna be late for school so I'll see ya later Ron, tell my dad I said bye." I brushed past him with Aiden now following me.

"So I was wondering if you'd be able to tutor me tonight? I have homework I can't wrap my head around and a test in a few weeks I'm stressing out." He stuttered out all quickly and nervously I could tell it was eating him away, I looked at him as he jumped in the passenger seat.

"Yeah sure I'll come over to your place? I have to run some errands after school but I don't mind coming over a bit later and working into the night?" He let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks Lydia, seeing as you're my ride I don't mind running around after school with you, we could grab food?" I nodded a yes concentrating on my parking before jumping out and waving bye as I rushed to meet Lucille and fill her in on everything Brad said to me on Friday night, sure I had a few distractions and I was covering it well but it was killing me inside. On my walk to my locker I felt someone grab my arm roughly and pull me to the side, I looked up quickly to see Brad.

"Hey why didn't you call me back?" He asked nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, oh I err I'm sorry Brad I've had a busy weekend with my dad and stuff." I explained all of a sudden nervous, knowing he has or had feelings for me was keeping me hanging on.

"Sorry, I guess I just wanted to say thanks for looking after me. I normally never get like that but I just had too much to drink, I didn't say anything stupid did I?" He asked with another nervous chuckle, I bit my lip thinking about whether or not I should bring it up and my heart was pounding in my chest.

"No, no you didn't, you were barely making sense." I settled on that being my answer and tucked some loose hair behind my ear.

"Well whatever I said it was probably rubbish, ignore it." The look in his eye made me realise that maybe he knew exactly what he said and regretted it, the stab was overbearing and I just nodded walking away unable to form a sentence. Rolling my eyes at my own naivety I just walked to meet Lucille, when I saw her at our lockers she grinned and waved.

"Hey stranger feel like I haven't seen you in years, I have so much to tell you!" She gushed already beginning to fill me in on her and Jerome's weekend, I listened to bits and pieces but by the time it was second period and we had to go our separate ways I started to think back to Brad and how he can't ever just be straight with me. The same with Aiden I guess, I never really know what he's thinking or feeling it's so annoying, why are boys such a complicated species.

Rolling my eyes in my strop I dropped down in my seat at our lab desk waiting for them to arrive, both of them strolled in at the same time, not together just happened to walk in together. Brad sat down next to me first and nudged my arm.

"I'm sorry if I said something this morning, you walked off pretty quick I just wanna make sure you're okay." I nodded not looking him in the eye and waited for Aiden to get settled before I looked up at him.

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