Chapter Eight.

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Part One

Making sure everyone was still sleeping I crept downstairs and began breakfast, well I made about twenty slices of toast and got the milk and cereal out before I made five hot cocoas and waking up everyone. I knocked on the doors and burst into Aiden's room jumping on him to get him up, I knew he would be the hardest to budge.

"Get up douchebag it's Christmas!" I yelled poking his face, he groaned and pushed me to the side off of him but so that I didn't fly off the bed at he same time. "Come on Aiden I made hot chocolate." I coaxed making him look at me through one opened eye I grinned at him making him smile. "Merry Christmas?" I said with a small voice and innocent smile as he sat up rolling his eyes.

"It would be a lot merrier at a more reasonable hour." This time I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand pulling him out of bed, I grabbed the closest shirt I could find and threw it at him before we both went downstairs to find everyone tucking into the breakfast I made. I grinned at the sight and settled down in my seat putting some butter on my toast as we all chatted away happily. As soon as we'd finished eating we settled around in the living room and began passing out presents, I was nervous about Aiden opening his from me but I was quite pleased with it and shrugged it off opening my own presents.

It was just me and Aiden left as we opened the last few presents and I was currently admiring a make up pallet my dad had bought me when Aiden picked up his present from me, I wrapped them all in silver sugar paper before placing them all in a small black and silver decorated bag. Biting my lip anxiously I waited to see his reaction as he opened it, he raised his eyebrows with a slow smile forming on his face as he looked at it, I giggled at his reaction and jumped closer to him.

"Do you like it? Because I wasn't sure and I was digging through some old stuff and found this I thought it was funny." I explained excited as he looked at the three framed photo graphs, the first was one of the two of us about three years old sitting in front of the Christmas tree drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream moustaches, the second was us about twelve arguing in front of the tree and the final one was the last year we were here together about sixteen and putting decorations on the tree. They were all us over the years and I just thought it was a good idea. Turning over the frames I pointed out that his mom had take the pictures of us when we were younger and she wrote the dates on them, her name and a kiss, he smiled fondly and looked at me.

"They're really cool Lydia thank you, this ones my favourite." He said showing me the middle one of us fighting, I barked out a laugh and punched his arm.

"I'm yelling at you because you ate my slice of that amazing chocolate cake your mom used to make!" I defended as in the picture I am clearly the one yelling.

"You just said it yourself it was amazing cake." I couldn't help but smile at his words and pick up my last present, it was a little golden sparkly box, it had a little message on the top under the ribbon which just said 'from Aiden' scribbled across it, I smiled and took off the lid to find a necklace, it was a silver chain with a small Ivory pearl charm on the end. I raised my eyebrows slightly speechless and looked up at him.

"Wow, thank you." I managed to say before looking back down at it.

"It's no problem, I remember you always going on about your grandma's necklace with a pearl on it and I was shopping the other day and saw this, I guess I thought of you." I smiled at his words and threw my arms around his neck in thanks, he chuckled wrapping his arms around my waist we heard a snap and looked over to Ron stood in the doorway.

"Another one to add to the collection." He blurted before running off upstairs. It wasn't until the early hours of the next morning that Aiden and I were still curled up in the sofa talking that I realised there's something special with him, he's different, he listens and he cares. I'd do anything for this boy and I hope he knew it.

"You remember that one time you read my diary?" I asked him from resting on his shoulder, he hummed in response having gone slightly rigid at the memory. "Well I don't hate you with everything in me." I said reassuring him, he visibly relaxed and I sat up to look at him. "I mean it, since you moved back you've been different and you mean a lot to me now and you did then too, I just want you to know that." He looked at me so intently I thought he might kiss me but instead he sent me a heart breaking smile.

"You've always meant a lot to me Lydia, I don't know how you never noticed." He whispered his smile now turned sad. "You truly are something special." His hand tucking a strand of hair behind my ear making me lean to his touch. "How didn't you realise?" I frowned at his words and looked at him with questioning eyes, he slowly inched his face closer to mine before putting his lips on mine gently, it wasn't anything but innocent and pure making my heart swell as I found my lips moving with his. When we pulled away i looked at him and he must of known that I'd be whatever he wanted me to be as long as I was his.

"Lydia Snow, you never cease to amaze me." He whispered pecking my lips again. "I'm sorry it took this long for me to tell you." Grinning I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"It's okay." I said before he captured my lips once again. I woke up in my room and looked around confused, it was clear I slept alone but I remember falling asleep downstairs with Aiden, he must of carried me up. When I got downstairs I realised I was alone, they're all out on the slopes I guess. I pulled on my thick leggings and a knitted jumper and warm socks looking for my boots and jacket when there was a knock on the door, running over hoping to see Aiden I was shocked when I saw a tall stunning blonde, her golden hair was twisted into a French braid and she had little make up on but she was beautiful.

"Hi can I help you?" I asked nicely with a confused smile.

"Err I'm looking for Aiden? I could be at the wrong cabin." Taking a deep breath I felt a knot twist in my stomach.

"No, he's here. I mean not here he's out skiing but er he'll be back later come in." I said opening the door further, she grinned.

"Oh great, I thought I'd come to the wrong cabin, I'm Jenna by the way." And with those words leaving her lips the breath was taken out of me.

"Jenna. Well I'm Lydia." I said and she didn't even recognise my name just nodded politely and sat down on the dining room chair. Spotting my boots and jacket I slowly pulled them on knowing at noon they'll all be back for lunch, it was five to when they all bundled through the door.

"Jenna sweetheart!" Ron exclaimed pulling her into a hug as I brushed past all of them ignoring the look of pure guilt on Aiden's face and walked out. I didn't go back until late, I'd gone to the next town over to ski and I had dinner in the diner before walking around. When I crept in I heard the television on in Ron's room and right opposite mine I heard Jennna's giggles from Aiden's room.

{a i d e n}

"Harvey get down, Jesus you scared the hell out of me." I heard Lydia exclaim over Jenna's laughter, I wanted to burst out of the room and kiss her, tell her how sorry I am but Jenna's legs were draped over mine and she was cuddled into my chest. We'd gotten back together when I was in New York I just couldn't tell Lydia, and I do like her I do but there so much between Jenna and I that I can't leave behind. Jenna wasn't supposed to even come here until two more days I didn't get the chance to tell Lydia.

"Is that Lydia?" Jenna asked me innocently and I knew what she was going to do and I couldn't stop her. She pulled my tee shirt on and opened my door, I heard a scared squeal from Lydia and Jenna laugh.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just want to say thank you for letting me spend some time here, I really love this cabin." Jenna was sincere but this was probably hurting Lydia, I moved on my spot to see the hurt look on Lydia's face as she saw Jenna in my tee shirt, nodding she sent a dazzling fake smile to my girlfriend.

"Don't worry about it, you're more than welcome here." She then turned and just went into her room with shaking hands that Jen didn't see, Jenna returned and sat opposite me.

"Aiden, she's not a brat at all."

{l y d i a}

"Aiden, she's not a brat at all." Scoffing I fell onto my bed and cried, how could he tell me all those things last night and not tell me about Jenna? Hurt, mad and upset all in one I just cried until I couldn't cry anymore.

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