Chapter 2

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I was jolted awake. I sat up and soon realized what just happened. I was sold, sold to an old man who was cruel. The car door opened, and a man about twenty or so pulled me out of the car. His grip was deadly.

"I'm not running away." I told him. I was incredibly surprised to find out that my voice was strong. It wasn't as weak as I felt.

"So?" He looked at me like I was crazy.

"So, you don't have to hold me like I am going to run away. I mean there are three of you guys and only one of me. I am tiny. I also have no where to go." His grip softened. "Thank you."

He just kept walking. He was incredibly handsome. Not as handsome as Will, my ex-boyfriend. I miss him. We were going to run away together, but I refused to go. I couldn't just leave my siblings with my father. The fact that he was willing to sell me just proved he was dangerous. I made a deal with him, though. I told him I wouldn't put up a fight if he didn't try to sell any of my other siblings when they turned sixteen. That's how old you have to be. At least sixteen with some skills. 

I was raised a farm girl. I know how to fight, hunt, work, cook, clean, read, write, sing, and play piano. At a young age my father taught us how to fight. I haven't been beat by anyone yet. Every boy in my village knows that I can fight. I am also really strong. It's kind of a turn off to boys. I have an amazing shot, with bows and guns. My mother also taught us the things that a wife must know. I have never agreed with that, thought. I think that both the husband and the wife should do the cleaning. It is not just a women's job. The singing and piano just came naturally. 

"Idela!" My cheek began to burn. I looked up to see an old man about sixty years old looking at me with furious eyes.

"Yes? I am sorry I was thinking about myself." His hand landed on my cheek again.

"You do not talk back to me! And when you respond to me you say, yes sir Hector! Do you understand?" I looked at him, and smiled.

"Yes......Sir Hector." I was going to seriously get myself into trouble. Why must I always be like this? Oh yeah, because I don't like being someones property! His hand landed on my cheek again.

"I think you need to be taught a lesson. Thomas, take her down to see Big Joe. Tell him to give her ten lashes." My eyes landed on his. I could faintly hear Thomas, the guy who brought me here, say 'Yes, Sir Hector.' I didn't care. All I could think was how much I already hated that old man.  I couldn't stand him! 

"Don't look at me like that!" He yelled. His hand again landed on my cheek. I could feel Thomas tugging on me, but I held my ground. Again his hand landed on my cheek. Finally Thomas tugged me hard enough to pull me out of my trance. We started walking away.

When we were far enough away he spoke. "You know, it is just easier to do what he says. Going to Bi Joe is horrible. Ten lashes is painful. i am truly sorry." He opened the door, and handed me to who I guessed was 'Big Joe'.

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