Chapter 3

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I have been here for about a year and a half. I haven't seen my family for a year and a half. I haven't been outside for a year and a half. I mostly clean, but sometimes I am sent to the kitchen to work. It is horrible here. I have been sent to Big Joe more than a hundred times. My back looks horrible, and still hurts from the last set of whippings. Sometimes I hate my stubbornness, but I can't help it. It just happens. 

"Idela!" I quickly snapped out of my daze, and ran into his office.

"I have a task for you." He said.

"What kind of task, Sir Hector?" He looked into my eyes.

"I have a very important man coming tonight, and I need you to 'pleasure' him however he wishes." He added air quotes to pleasure. "It will be even better when he finds out you are still a virgin. You will visit him after dinner, and he is to do as he wishes to you and you will do as he says." My eyes grew wide.

"I won't do it!" His hand lands on my face. 

 "You are my property! You will do as I ask you to. He is a very important man." I look at him, and shake my head. 

 "I want to save it for someone special. Someone who will love me for me. I want what my parents had. I don't want to just have sex with a man that I do not know!" Again his hand lands on my cheek. 

"No man in their right mind could ever love you! Who are you? You are a poor slave girl with no other choice. You are my property. Now, you will do it or I will send you to Big Joe." I gulped. My back wasn't even completely healed. I couldn't go back there. Big Joe has no mercy. I wouldn't be able to handle it.

 "Yes, Sir Hector." I gritted my teeth.

 "Good, now off you go." I ran from his room, and off to my quarters. I had to bathe for this man. He wouldn't want to touch a dirty girl. 

Tears pricked my eyes. How could this all happen. I was about to lose my virginity to a man I do not know. To a man I do not love, a man who does not love me.  I don't know what to do. What will he think of my scars? Will he be disgusted? What if he tells Sir Hector that I did not pleasure him? I don't know if I would survive another whipping. What if he cuts open my barely scabbed wounds?


I have cleaned up, and now I am heading to the guest room, where this man awaits.

I knock on the door loudly, but softly. "Come in!" I heard a deep and husky voice boom. I wonder how old he is. He doesn't sound too old, but he doesn't sound too young. I slowly open the door and step in closing the door behind me. "Who are you, and what is you name?" I kept my eyes trained on the floor.

"Well, um, I am a slave that Sir Hector sent to, um." I took a deep breath. "Pleasure you. My name doesn't matter." I heard him get up.

"Look at me." I slowly looked up to see a handsome young man in about his early twenties. "What is your name?" I swallowed the spit in my mouth and answered.

"My name is Idela." I spoke confidently. Rule number one is never say your name weakly.

"Hi Idela, my name is Alex. Do not worry I do not wish for you to pleasure me." I was filled with relief, but then the fear hit me.

"No! You do not understand. If I do not then he will send me to Big Joe! My wounds from last time haven't even completely healed. Please!" I looked straight in his eyes. "Look, I don't want to, but I don't think I can take another beating. Big Joe show no mercy, and my back is already scared beyond belief." He looked at me for a few seconds.

"What do you mean?" He was confused? How I thought I explained it pretty well.

"If you do not do as he asks, then he sends you to Big Joe. Big Joe is hired to beat us. I am incredibly stubborn, and have been sent there over one hundred times in the last year and a half for it. My back hasn't even healed completely from the last whipping. Please, if I don't do whatever then he will blame me and punish me." He thought for a couple seconds.

"Just sleep in here for tonight."  I nodded my head.

"Thank you." With that I was filled with relief. I was going to be okay for a little bit longer.


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