Chapter 6

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I looked at Ella. Disgust and disappointment filled me. Alex still had his arm around my waist, but I had put my arm down. I just looked at her. "Where are the others?" She smiled.

"Um, well Anna is watching the children at home, papa is at the bar. Mama is where she has always been." I turned around without saying a thank you. I just didn't think she needed it. Well, no she didn't deserve it.

I started running down the road, towards home. I ran as fast as I could go. I have never missed home as much as I missed it now. Once our cabin came into view I ran faster. I opened the door and ran into the kitchen to see Anna reading a book.

"Ann!" She looked up.

"Dell!" She ran up to me and threw her hands around me. I wrapped my arms around her twelve year old body. "I missed you so much! Father has been so mean ever since you left and Ella is never home, anymore so he's extra mean and he hits me, now! I thought I would never see you again!" I smiled.

"Still such a silly little girl. I told you I would come home. I promised you I would come home. Does Isabella know that father has been hitting you?" I swear to god if I see him I will hurt him.

"Yes." My heart stopped. What! How could she leave her here knowing that father hits her!

"Where are the others?" I smiled down at her.

"They are in the playroom." I went to go find Sammy, Alice, Maddie, Joey, Billy, Max, and Dylan. I walked into the playroom to see them all asleep. I smiled. Alice and Maddie were twins. They were nine. Then came the triplets at the age of seven and then there was Max at the age of six and Dylan at the age of five. My eyes swept over them.

"Dell! Some man says he knows you!" I walked out to see Alex.

"What are you doing here?" He smirked.

"I followed you here after the incident." I glared at him. "So, this is where you're from? That's why you were so distant, you wanted to see your family?" I looked down.

"Yeah. Um, I have to go see someone before we leave." I walked over to Anna. "I swear to god, if that man ever lays another finger on you I will make him regret even meeting mama. And that sister of yours is gonna start protecting you like I did or so help me god she will regret me leaving." She had tears in her eyes.

"Dell, please don't leave! I can't handle it anymore. I need mama and I need you. I can't bare this without you!" I grabbed her shoulders.

"No, Anna you are the strongest person I have ever met. You deal with it so your younger siblings don't have to, and anyone who says otherwise is blind or mentally messed up. I couldn't have gotten a better sister even if I wanted too. I will be back, okay? I will save you from all this pain in your life. I know that I was supposed to do it and instead I had to leave to save you, but I love you more than life." She looked up at me.

"What do you mean you had to save me by leaving?" I sucked in a deep breath.

"I made father promise that if he sold me he couldn't sell you or Isabella. I made him do it in writing. I also made him promise to take care of you all, and I don't think he is fulfilling that promise." She looked up at me.

"So, you gave up life for me?" I smiled at her.

"Nah, I got a new life for you. Soon, I will come home for good." I gave her a kiss on the cheek. I turned around and walked out. I walked through the woods towards Mama's grave. Once I was there I knelt down and began to weep. I hadn't cried in years,  but it was all I could do not to kill my father. I laid there until I heard a twig and then a string of curse words. I looked at the noise and saw my father.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I looked him in the eyes. He wasn't drunk.

"I came to visit my mama." He growled.

"She isn't your mother anymore, child! Once you were sold you lost that privilege. How did you escape?" I laughed.

"You should know, your the one who taught me all I know. Your the one who raised me. Your the one who lost me. Oh and if you ever touch Anna or any of my siblings again I will tare you from limb to limb. Oh and father you lost the privilege to be her husband once you sold me, and you know it." I was so angry right now.

"So then what are you going to do? Run forever? Hide forever? You will not dictate how I raise my children and you will not ever tell me I am not her husband anymore. She is my wife and you are not my daughter she would have never run away!" I punched him in the face.

"No! You are not my father! My father would have never sold his daughter in the first place! He would have never hit his twelve year old daughter! He would have never become what you are! He was a good man, a man who fought for what he loved! A man who never hurt his loved ones! He was a mercenary! Once mother died, it was like he died with her. My father slowly disappeared and instead I found a man who was desperate to get rid of anything to do with his dead wife. I lost two of the best people. I lost my parents. And if you must know I am now a mercenary. I was brought here for a mission and I just had to see the people I love, no matter what!" I hadn't realized I was crying, but I was. I had cooped up all my anger and sadness for so many years.

"Oh, Delly. You are right. I am a monster." With that I stood up and walked away.


Hey! I was just in the writing mood! So instead of writing my essay I was writing my book! I have been super busy! I just found out that I got into a technical school! Which is really exciting, because I am the second Freshman to have ever been accepted and it is really exciting. Anyway Comment! Vote! Follow!

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