The Science Project

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Blossom's POV (Homeroom)
I still can't believe what happened with me and Brick outside. And why did I put my arms on his neck like that? It's like I was gonna kiss him.......He's kinda cute though....BLOSSOM WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT!?!?? He's a villain! Mrs.Brown interrupted her thoughts. "Listen up students! We are going to do Science now!" said Mrs.Brown. "We are going to be doing a project on volcanoes, oceans, and earthquakes! You can pick one of these and do a project on one. You also have an assigned partner." Everybody groaned. "There is a list of partners on the door in the back. You can look there after class. Ok students?" "Yes ma'am!" everybody said.

*AFTER CLASS* (Blossom's POV)

I went to go look at the list:

Brick - Blossom
Butch - Buttercup
Bubbles - Boomer

I saw our three names! We were with the Rowdyruffs!?!?!? I guess I can handle long as I don't do all the work! I hope he's nice. As soon as Buttercup found out she was with Butch, she freaked out. "WHAT!?!?!? I'M WITH BUTCH!?!???" said Buttercup shocked. "Oh calm down Greenie! It's just for the project!" "Fine...just stop calling me Greenie ok?" Buttercup said. "Ok...cutie!" "BUTCH!!!!" "Fine, I'll call you Butterscotch." "Eh..that's fine". "Ok guys since we're all partners we each should do one of the subjects. " and Buttercup will do earthquake!" said Butch. "Hey since when do you do decide?" said Buttercup. "Since now!" "Ugh..." "Me and Brick will do volcanoes!" I said as I smiled at Brick. Did Brick blush? Aww he's really cute when he blushes! BLOSSOM! WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU!?!? "Then me and Boomer will do oceans!" said Bubbles. "Hey boys, do you wanna go to our house and study? We can all help each other out with our projects!" I said. "Omg! Blossom that's a great idea!" said Bubbles. "Sure we'll go to your house!" said Boomer. "Yeah besides, I think Mojo would love a break from us!" said Brick. "Students it's time for dismissal!" said Mrs. Br0wn. "Yay guys let's go!" said Bubbles.

*DISMISSAL* (Blossom's POV)
"Guys, me and Butch will ride our skateboards" said Buttercup. "Oh then me and Boomer will fly to our house!" said Bubbles and they were off. So were Butch and Buttercup. "Uh...Bloss you wanna walk?" said Brick. "Oh I'd love to!" I said. We had to cross the road soon. "Hehe Blossom you just wanna fly over the road?" said Brick. "Great idea Brick!" I said. There was a pink and red streak in the sky. Which was me and Brick. I hope I land well because I'm kinda bad when landing. Brick landed on the sidewalk. I landed on Brick on accident. His cap fell off too. His hair was really fluffy. Our faces were really close together. I was blushing really hard..he was really cute.....and he smelled like autumn....and his eyes were a flaming red. "I'm so sorry Brick! I'm not  really good when it comes to landings..." I said. "Don't worry Bloss! It's fine!" said Brick. "Also thanks for catching me!" "No problem!" "Let's just fly to my house!" I said. "Um...ok"

*AT MY HOUSE* (Brick's POV)
"Wow we're the first ones here!" Blossom said. "Oh yeah we are!" I said. "Let's go to my bedroom to do our project!" said Blossom. "Oh ok" I said. I'm gonna try to act cool around Blossom because this is her house. In her bedroom everything was pink and red. I loved red, so I kinda loved her room. I took my shoes off and put them by her bed. "Hey Brick! Stay here and I'm gonna get my laptop to search stuff about volcanoes! Ok? " said Blossom. "Oh sure!" I said. Dang her room smells really good! Like strawberry shortcake and cherries! I saw pictures of the Powerpuff girls and the Professor! I also saw a paper. It looked like it was from a diary or something. The date was January 4, 2000. It said Dear Diary, today me and Brick played tag together. He's really sweet and loving. What? This was when me and Blossom were kids! I knew it! She liked me when she was little! But I think her feelings changed up until now....
"Hey Brick! I'm back!" said Blossom walking into the room. I went back to sit on the bed. "So Brick wha- aah! I didn't expect that she would trip over my shoes! Now she was on top of me....our faces were really close again! We were always really close! I always like being really close to Blossom. Our faces were a bright red and Blossom accidentally kissed me on my cheek. "Uh.....Bloss you can get off me now...." I said. Oh great! I said I don't want to fall in love with her! But I think I am...

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