Finding The Boys

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Brick's POV:
"Hey! Let us go!" said Butch. "Who are you?!?!" I said getting pissed off. Who the hell is this guy!?! I wanna see Blossom and the girls. I wanna see Blossom. She would make my day right now! "SHUT UP!!!" said the croaky voice. All me and my brothers could see were all the three of us in the middle and we're tied up. It looks like we're in a giant tower. The voice sounded like a man....Also he was wearing a cloak and we couldn't see his face. Also I feel like I'm levitating for some reason. "Dude! Let us g-
Next thing I knew the lights turned off and everything was silent.

Blossom's POV:
"Ugh! I can't locate them!" I say getting frustrated. "Hm....maybe we should ask the Professor!" said Bubbles. "Great idea! Let's go!" I say. Grr.......Whoever took the Ruffs I'm gonna slit their throats! Wait....I SOUND LIKE BUTTERCUP!! We go into the basement and we see the Professor. "Professor!!!! We need you!" said Bubbles. "Ok girls! What do you need?" said the Professor politely. "Someone took the Ruffs!" I say. "Hm.....I might have an idea of who took them." said the Professor. "Really?? Who?" said Buttercup. "Someone called "Her". Let me explain before you ask any questions. Me and Her were in HighSchool together. Both of us always took the same classes. You guys know HIM right? Well Her and HIM are brother and sister. Her always wanted to be like HIM so now he's all evil like HIM. Her used to be one of my best friends! Her used to be a girl but now...he's a tomboy. It's like the same with HIM but HIM is a guy and he wants to be a girl." "OMG!! That sounds mysterious!" said Bubbles. "Professor! Can you write the address so that we can go to where this "Her" lives?" I say. "Sure! Let me search it up.......OH! Found it! Ha! It's where he always lived! His giant turquoise tower" said the Professor. "Thanks Professor! Come on guys! Let's go!" I say.

Brick's POV:
I wake up and I see that I'm in a bedroom. I see Butch and Boomer with me. We're lined up on a wall. Soon my brothers wake up. "Hehe, finally you awake from your slumber! My name is Her nice to meet you!" said Her. "Um...I have a question! How come you don't look like a her? You look like a guy!" said Boomer. "Ha! You guys know HIM right? He's my brother!" said Her evilly. "HAHAH! The reason why you Ruff boys are here is because I want to steal your powers so that I can be like my brother! MUAAHAHAH!" said Her. "Dude seriously? That was literally like the worst evil laugh I have ever heard!" said Butch. I tried to hold in my laugh so much! "I know right? I'm working on it!" said Her. "Now I need to work on my machine to take away your precious little powers! Bye!"
"Ugh! I hate this! Why does Her wanna become like HIM anyways?" asked Boomer. "I'm pretty sure that he thinks that "evil" is cool but it really isn't!" I say snickering. Ugh! I shouldn't be laughing! We should work on getting out of here! I try to use my powers but the rope is metal! Dammit! Come on Puffs! Please save us! WHAT THE FUDGE?!?! I sound like Boomer!

Blossom's POV:

"Seriously!?!? We've been flying for hours trying to find this address! We're wasting time!" said Buttercup complaining. We fly down then we see this old house. "Um..I thought the Professor said that it was a giant turquoise tower. It doesn't really look like it though. "Easy! Let's just break into the house!" said Buttercup about to use her hammer on the door. "No!! What if Her isn't in here? What if this is someone's property and then we just destroy it?" I say. "Oh stop with the worrying!" said Buttercup. "Stop!" I say. "NO YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!" said Buttercup. "STOP!" "NO!" "STOP!" NO!" "GUYS!! STOP THE FIGHTING!" said Bubbles. "Have you guys looked up? Isn't that what the Professor said? He said that there was a giant turquoise tower! But it's in the sky!" said Bubbles. "Ohhhhh" said me and Buttercup in unison. "Come on guys! Let's go!" I say.

Brick's POV:
Suddenly I hear a crash! Is that who I think it is? It's Blossom and the Puffs! "Let them go Her!" said Blossom. "Heh! Make me!" said Her. "Girls! Let's combine our powers! Buttercup and Bubbles use your most powerful attack! Then we'll combine them! Ok?" said Blossom. Buttercup and Bubbles nodded. "YO-YO MEGA!!" said Blossom. Blossom's attack hit Her really hard. "BUBBLE BURN!" said Bubbles. (BTW: SRRY I DON'T KNOW THEIR POWERS! 😰) Bubbles attack when into Her's eyes. It burned her eyes. "OW!" said Her painfully. "GLEAMING POWER HIT!!" said Buttercup. Buttercup's attack was shining in the light and it made an explosion on Her. "Ugh *gasp* WE'LL MEET AGAIN POWDERPUFFS!" said Her. Then she disappeared. "Yay we did it!" said Blossom. Wow she looks beautiful when she happy! I'm not kidding! "Hey guys! Wanna go home and get some rest?" said Blossom. "Um...yeah about that....we can't go home because he got sent back to the Zoo. They thought that he escaped so we have nowhere to sleep....." I said sadly. "Oh that's fine! We'll let you live with us for now!" said Bubbles. "Great idea! You can totally room with us!" said Blossom. "NO NOT A GREAT IDEA! I DON'T WANT TO ROOM WITH BUTCH!" said Buttercup. "Aww Butterscotch you love me!" said Butch teasing Buttercup. "I wanna slit a throat!" said Buttercup. "Geez! Ok I'll stop!" said Butch. "Let's go home!" said Blossom.

******AT HOME!******************
Blossom's POV
"Um..Professor! Can we let the Ruffs live with us?" said Bubbles. "Really? Ok fine!" said Professor. "I'm gonna have to cook more!" "I'll cook!" said Bubbles. "Ok!" said everybody in unison.


"Uh...I can sleep on the floor!" I said. "WHAT!?!?" said Brick. "I'm kidding!" I said giggling. "Oh." said Brick blushing. "Let's go to sleep! We also need to plan the dance too!" I said. "Oh yeah!" said Brick. "Night!" I said.

Regular POV:
They both faced opposite sides.
Blossom was facing to the left and Brick was facing to the right. Then, they both suddenly turn to each other. "Um..........." said Blossom awkwardly. "Hey Bloss! What do you wanna do for our plan for the Prom Dance!" asked Brick. "We'll find out later!" said Blossom giggling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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