The Trouble

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Brick's POV:
"Listen up students! I already graded your projects and to admit I'm kinda disappointed because only three people with their partners had a perfect grade on their project....." said Mrs. Brown glumly. "WHAT!?!?" shouted Buttercup. "Yup! And the rest of you got 70's and lower!" said Mrs. Brown. " I will call those three students with their partners who got a perfect grade after class!" Oh no...I'm kinda worried! What if me and Blossom didn't pass? Or what if me and my brothers and the Puffs didn't pass? Well, we''ll find out after class then....

"Ahem! Brick, Blossom, Buttercup, Butch, Boomer, and Bubbles! Please stay here!" said Mrs. Brown quietly so that nobody could hear well. "Um....Mrs. Brown are we in trouble?" said Blossom worriedly. "I'm afraid all six of you got the worst grades out of all your project in homeroom..." said Mrs.Brown. "WHAT!?!?" we all said. "Ha! JK! I'm just kidding students you all got the highest grade on your project!" said Mrs. Brown. "Wow Mrs. Brown you know what jk is?" asked Butch. "Of course! My daughter taught me all of those words!" "Dang!" replied Butch. "Wow! So all of us got an A+ on our project?" asked Bubbles. "Yes Bubbles all of you got an A+!" "YAY!!" everybody cheered. "Also since you all have A's on your report cards for now, I want all of you to be our high school's student council!" said Mrs. Brown excitedly. "Wow! I love being on Student Council!" said Blossom. Wow she looks super cute when she's happy! know you can't fall for her! But our faces are super close together every time! It makes me wanna kiss her.....SNAP OUT OF IT BRICK!! "You all are going to plan the Senior HighSchool Dance!" said Mrs.Brown excitedly. "Yay!" shouted Buttercup. "Dang Butterscotch! That's the first time you were excited!" said my brother Butch. "Hey I'm happy a lot of times!" shouted Buttercup. "So all the teachers of the Senior grade allowed all of you to have two days off! The first day is to relax! Then the second day is to plan the Senior Dance! Got it students?" said Mrs. Brown. "Now all of you can leave the school now!" "WHAT!?!? Like right now?" said Boomer. "Yes right now!" "Yay!"
Then straight away we left.


Blossom's POV

"So guys where do you wanna go?" I asked. "Let's go to the beach!" said Bubbles. "Bubbles why do you wanna go to the beach?" asked Butch. "Well, it's almost summer and school is almost over! So we might as well get a head start on summertime!" replied Bubbles. "I agree! Let's go to the beach!" I said. "Fine...I guess I'll go to the beach...only for reasons....."said Butch suspiciously. "Really? For what reasons?" asked Buttercup. "Honestly Butterscotch, I wanna see you in a bikini!" "I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I ASKED! I FEEL LIKE I'M SCARRED FOR LIFE!!!" said Buttercup. "Ok so we're going to the beach then! Me and my brothers will go to our house and get prepared! You guys will do the same! Then we'll text you guys when we're ready then we'll meet back here!" said Boomer. "Hey Boomer! Since when were you leader of the group?" asked Brick. "Since now!" replied Boomer. "You're gonna get it!!" said Brick about to punch Boomer. "AHHH NO!!" yelled Boomer as he flew to the sky. "YOU CAN FLY BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!!" said Brick as he flew off to get Boomer. "Guys where ya goin?" shouted Butch as he flew off. "Hahaha Boomer is hilarious!" giggled Bubbles. "Oooooh are you in love?? ﹋o﹋ " teased Buttercup. "Guys let's stop teasing and get prepared for the beach!" I said. I hope that we'll have fun! I just hope Boomer and Brick don't fight again! ≧﹏≦

Blossom's POV:
"Hey guys I just got a text from Boomer!" said Bubbles. "He said that he's in trouble by HIM!" "Hey me too!" said Buttercup. As soon as I knew it I got a text from Brick! "Girls! We have a job to do!" I said. "And that is..." said Buttercup. "I can't believe I'm saying this but....we're gonna save the RowdyRuffs!" I said triumphantly.


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