"How can I be a hero if I killed someone"

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Clara POV
       I left him alone for 10 minutes and he burns the whole campsite down after I planning what I was going to do I got up pulled Jake by his ear into the woods "ow ow ow ow ow Clara why did you do that" he said "why in the world would you burn our campsite down" I said "look it was and accident water brain" he said my mom told me stories about how my dad annoyed my mom sometimes I think Jake was doing the same thing to me "AAHH" I screamed and went back to the campsite and Jake followed "Max we are leaving tonight" I said "um do you know Emily is going to to the jump this time" he said "okay then Emily I'm going to need you to shadow jump as far as you can okay" I said "okay" Emily said "okay so we are going to need to walk as far as we can until 4:00" I said all of us had no backpacks luckily I always keep my money on me so we can buy new backpacks and food "Max,Emily take it light okay don't do anything to extreme" I said and they both nodded there heads
We went of to the woods and started walking what an idiot boyfriend I had

We started walking north of Melrose "so is there like a store...or something in here" Jake said sometimes he asked the most stupidest questions ever "we are in the middle of the woods we aren't going to be able to see a store for miles" Emily said
      It has been 30minutes and Jake kept asking the same question every minute "do we have anymore food," he said "I'm hungry" "no we do not have any food and can you please stop asking every minute" I said I snapped he was getting really annoying, I felt a hand on my shoulder "calm down" Mya said her hand on my shoulder "um I don't like being touched" I said "oh sorry" Mya said and we kept walking
      "I need to ask you about boy advice max" Mya said "okay go ahead ask me" I said "so there is this boy I like and he has dark hair and he is already someone else and he is like my friend" she said she kept saying stuff and I stopped listening is she talking about Jake because he is taken and he has dark brown hair and he is her friend oh shist "so what do you think I should do" she said "um I think you should just tell him when your ready and get those feelings out when your ready okay and don't draw to much attention to yourself okay" I said "okay thank you max" she said and she hugged me "okay you can let go now" I said and she hugged me for a couple of seconds "okay let go" I said "oh I'm so sorry I forgot you don't like being hugged" she said "it's okay" I said and we both ran to catch up with the rest.
      I just told my crush little details about my crush and I hugged him gods I'm so stupid I walk up to Clara "hi clary" I said then she looked at me and said "don't call me that Clara is fine for now"

"okay" I said

"Your not mad" she said

"Mad at what?" I said confusingly

"You know for me killing your brother and all" she said me and Clara are the same age but Clara was a couple inches taller than me

"No actually I forgot to tell you my brother is alive somewhere" I said
Clara started crying not like insane sobbing like one tear every minute crying

"Clara are you okay did I say something" I said putting my hand on Clara's shoulder as we are still walking

"No it's that I've been beating myself up for it and that each day my head keeps telling me that how can I be hero if I killed someone" she said

"Now you can stop telling yourself that know that you know he is not dead" I said and then I hugged her

"You really hug a lot did you know that" Clara said

"Yea it comes from my dad actually every time someone is sad we give them a hug to make them feel better" I said and I released from the hug and we continued walking.

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