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Jake POV
I'm really hungry like really really really hungry I WANT TACOS we walked for 20 more minutes until I saw taco shop then I pulled Clara sleeve 9 times until "what!!" Clara said she yelled "dang water brain I just wanted to tell you I found a taco shop so we can eat" I said "thank the gods I'm starving" Clara said we all went inside the taco shop.

         It looked vacant like nobody was there it looked like a Taco Bell but smaller and with out the Taco Bell sign "the sign said open" I said "hello" I yelled "hello there-" a man said

         "AHHAHAHAHAHAHAH" I screamed and fell to the ground Clara helped me up it was pretty embarrassing to get scared in front of my girlfriend "so what are you kids doing here" he said "excuse me sir um we are not kids we are 13 year olds and 13 year olds are considered teenagers" I said and Clara elbowed be in the stomach I made a silent scream (just to let you know it's pretty embarrassing to have a girlfriend that is stronger and older than you not be be...offensive:)"don't mind him" Clara said "I will take a regular taco no 2 no 3" I said I was REALLY hungry after everyone else ordered it was Clara's turn "come on Clara" I said "order" I said "you know for some reason I'm not hungry anymore" Clara said "okay?" I said

      After we got our food everyone started eating Clara sat there with a sad look on her face "eat a taco" I said with my mouth full and handing her a taco "no I don't want one" she said "why all of a sudden are you not hungry" Emily said "I can tell this is not a normal taco shop," she said "I mean what kind of taco shop is just in the middle of nowhere" "it doesn't matter as long as it's good I'm fine" I said and kept eating my taco then the man that was working at the taco shop came up to us and said "are you sure you don't want a taco Clar-I mean miss"

"How do you know my name" she said standing in her seat

"I don't know what you are talking about I was just making sure if you want a taco"

"You almost said it tell me how to you know my name" Clara said and she she started standing on the table to

"We are leaving" Clara said I don't wanna leave(the tacos were really good)

"Attack" the man said but it wasn't a mans voice it sounded like a girl voice

And emposi started coming all around us
"SHADOW TRAVEL NOW!!" Clara yelled
Every one of use started holding hands and we disappeared into the shadows

Clara POV
The shadows started to disappear around us I ran to Emily to catch her she instantly passed out after the shadows disappeared "is she okay" Max said "I think she is really tired I don't know how far she jumped" I said and laid her down on the grass.

I went to go think about the prophecy to release war I realized I was getting an iris-message from my mom
"I know what the prophecy means" my mom said

"You do"

"Yes Ares went missing right after the summer solstice" she said

"So to release war part of the prophecy meant release Ares"

"Yes Clara and were you are going you can't ask for help from the gods I'm not even sure if you can iris-message me Clara be prepared be ready to fight okay cause you can't ask for help from the gods you are on your own once you go to Canada" she said

"Okay I will"

The Kids of Olympus: The Beginning (UNDER CONSTRUCTION/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now