Chapter 26

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He entered the room and took a few steps towards me before stopping.

"What did you just say?" He asked.

"Umm. Nothing." I pathetically answered.

"Oh really? Because I just heard you say that..... That Louis is..... Lily's father?" He raised an eyebrow but I could tell that he really wasn't ready to believe that Louis was Lily's father.

"What? Are you crazy? Louis? Lily's dad? Wow you heard that wrong." I said in a very high pitched voice trying to sound like I was shocked and that Niall was mad.

"Then may I know what you did say?" He said in a very normal voice.

I panicked as I tried to think up of a believable story and spit out the first thing that came to my mind. "I err I said that ummm Lily was well.... She's yes she's Louis' umm friends daughter. Yep thats what I said."

"Whats the friends name?" He asked.

"His name?" I laughed stupidly. "Oh his name's umm Sean. Yes his name's Sean."

"Really? I don't remember any of Louis' friend that goes by that name." He stated. He was still acting very calm.

"Maybe Louis didn't tell you about him." I pointed.

"No. I think I know all of Louis' friends. Sean's not one of them."

"Sean was Louis' umm childhood friend. We knew him from when we went to school. Yea thats it. Thats why you don't know him."

"I think you should stop lying Lauren." He said in a hushed tone. I could tell that he was getting angry because I was constantly lying to him.

"What? I'm not lying. Lily really is....."

"I said stop fucking lying." He suddenly screamed making me take a couple steps back.

"Niall....." I started.

"No. I can't believe you didn't tell me. You told Liam but you didn't tell me?

And now you're lying again again. Ugh I just thought you would tell me instead of Liam." He interrupted me.

"No I didn't tell him, he......"

He interrupted me again by turning towards Ari. "And you knew about this?" He asked her.

She nodded slowly.

"How long have you known?" He asked.

"Errrr I've know it since um since Lauren found out." She replied.

"What? I can't believe it. You didn't tell me either." He accused.

"No Niall it....." She began but he cut her off.

"No. I thought you of all people would tell me. You know what this means? You lied to me when we promised each other we would never keep secrets from each other." He pointed his finger at her.

"But it wasn't my secret to keep. It was...."

"You know what? Fuck you. Fuck all of you." He screamed and stormed out of the room.

"No Niall wait." Ari screamed and ran after him.

Well he's being overdramatic. So what if I didn't tell him? It's not like Lily's his daughter. He's just being overdramatic.

I heard a door slam and then pounding. "Niall open the door." I heard Ari scream.

I looked over at Lily. She was sleeping and I didn't want the noise to wake her up. I tiptoed out of the room and closed it quietly behind me. I walked over to Ari.

He's taken, I'm broken (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now