Enter the Terror

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LOW CHANTS loudened steadily, cold and repeated as men circled over a platform. At its centre lay a magic square encircled by four discs inscribed with moon decorations and hieroglyphics. A large man watched from a distance as the ceremony proceeded, seeing Elsa hung from a pillar at the centre of the grounds, her clothes tattered with a large lunar marking on her stomach.

"ONE YEAR ago, my father, King Fergus, went off to war with the Table." Silence fell in the room as Merida rose to her feet – her face filled with anger. "He left me, my three brothers and my mother, Queen Regent Elinor with a promise that he'd come back ... he didn't ..., but I was willing to accept it because sovereignty was brought back to the realm when we'd driven out the men that'd subjugated us for nearly a century." She looked around at the monarchs that sat around her. "We're free now, free from their control and we need to get justice for the families that lost their fathers on the battlefield, for the people that lost their lives. A price has to be paid for the crimes these men committed and the price is their heads."

Elsa's eyes roamed around the table, scanning each of the monarchs' faces. "What do the rest of you think about this?"

"The kingdom of Berk may have not been part of the war, but I know what it feels like to lose someone you care about." Hiccup rose to his feet. "We were at war at a man named Drago Bludvist and he, like Erhard, wanted control over dragons. He was wrong – we share a world that's ever changing and we have to adjust and live with them. Berk has joined the Table to help the fight and we must show the Order, wherever they are, that we are not afraid of them."

"Then the Table's made its verdict." Elsa sat back and crossed her legs. "Each of your kingdoms apprehended the Order's soldiers and have them in your custody. Arendelle will prepare them for a public execution in a month's time – handle your captives as you see fit."

Rapunzel nodded and glanced at the monarchs around her, sharing their uneasy expressions. "That's well and good, Elsa, but can I ask you something?"


"What's that cat doing on your head?" Her brow rose as she pointed at a small blue feline that lay asleep in the Queen's hair.

"Finally." Balder groaned and shifted in his seat beside Elsa.

"Oh, this is Pam." Elsa smiled. "Say 'hi', Pam." The cat purred, but didn't wake up.

"Are pets really allowed here? You made me leave Toothless outside." Hiccup pointed at the dragon that peeped through the window behind him.

"Pam's not a pet – she's my child."

"What?" He raised his brow and turned to Balder who sat beside her.

"I dunno." He shook his head.

ELSA SMILED to herself as she saw Rapunzel and Eugene play with their child as they waited for their luggage to be hauled into their boat – turning to Balder who walked away from her before she could speak. Frowning at him, she moved across the dock, past the guards and servants of the other kingdoms as monarchs made their departures and walked up to the two, tickling the baby's chin.

"So, how is she?" She turned to her cousin.

"She's very active for her age." Rapunzel rocked the child.
"Is she supposed to have that much hair?" Elsa raised her brow.

"Well, that's what's interesting about Kristi – I think I passed down my powers to her."


"This is how long my hair was when I was young. Wasn't red though, but still; it was this long."

"I'm glad to hear that." Elsa smiled then turned to the boat. "So, you'll be headin' back to Corona?"

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