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HIS YELLOW eyes burned brightly as he saw the snow spread over the earth beneath his feat, the red demon's head turning to the skies above as they darkened in the slowly growing storm. He could feel her presence rising, his mind realizing what had happened. "She's awoken! My bride has returned!"

Grinning wickedly, the monster held out his arms and began to absorb the heat in the atmosphere around him, only making the storm worse. He began to step forward and his body started to enlarge with each step, his height reaching fifty feet and casting a dark shadow over the forest around him! Looking to the heavens again, the demon raised his arm and fired a gigantic fireball out of his hands, burning the clouds themselves and causing fire to rain down below!

Watching the world around him burn, the demon turned his focus to Corona "I'm coming for you."

Sethos stepped forth and burst forward at great speeds, spreading his flames over the ground and instantly melting the snow Lamia had summoned! The demon's flames caused immense heat around him as he went, causing the ocean below him to boil and the clouds above to burst into flames! The world fell into chaos as his fires spread, downing planes and aircraft and causing fires in nearby cities!

"AND THAT is how I met Tooth Grinder." Thor Odinson said to Heimdall as the two walked through a courtyard in Asgard.

"You've told me this story before." The Keeper of the Bifrost said.

"Well, it is a fantastic tale!" Thor insisted. "I could tell it to you again if you want."

"I'd rather you didn't." Heimdall laughed uneasily when his smile died as he felt a dark presence. "Something's wrong."

Waving his hand, Heimdall opened a portal into the Bifrost Bridge and went up to the control platform, quickly followed by Thor. Grabbing hold of the blade, the man looked out into the cosmos and gazed upon the earth, seeing great patches of fire and ice covering its surface! "Great Ancestors of Valhalla!"

"What's happening?" Thor said, holding his hand out and drawing Mjolnir to his side.

"The earth is in great peril that'll soon spread into the cosmos." Heimdall said shakily. "A great devil has awakened and is devouring the planet!"

"From Muspelheim? But I thought that realm was sealed away." Thor became puzzled.

"Wherever it's from, it's gaining power with every passing moment." Heimdall turned to him. "You need to put a stop to this before it's too late."

TOOTH FAIRY shrank and flew back from a volley of rocks flung at her from an earthbender, zipping through the battlefield as she and the Guardians fought the Red Lotus. Merida shivered as Lamia's snow began to freeze the palace courtyard, getting warmed up by Sandy who covered her in a layer of sand. "Shit, how're we gonna stop this thing?" She looked to the monster, getting a shrug from Sandy who popped a symbol above his head. "Yeah, I don't know what you're saying." She deadpanned.

Shrugging, Sandman joined the others as they battled, shifting his dust and two fireballs from a firebender and firing a massive blast at them, burying them instantly!

"Man, these guys don't know how to quit, do they?" Tooth huffed.

"Well, I wouldn't expect these zealot bastards to give up so easily." North said. "But we must defeat them now before Lamia becomes stronger."

Sandy nodded, turning to the mermaid demon as she floated behind them when a pool of water suddenly collected around his feet and froze him solid! "Sandy!" Tooth cried.

Four Red Lotus members rose from the mound of sand Sandman had created, the waterbenders among them turning it into mud that they bent around them. "You're not going to get our way." One of them said. "Our goddess will rule this world."

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