Chapter 2

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"Hi, little sister."

"Hey, it's the bride of The Red Devil man!"

My brothers' figures, Dave and Ed, appeared at the door as I opened the door after I heard someone knock on it. They were wearing the same Calvin Klein gray two-button tuxedos with a fake flower on their left chests.

"Don't start, Ed," I groaned then permitted them to come in.

"Wow, look at your dress, Ash!" Ed snickered. "I think I could hide an elephant under your dress."

"Don't listen to him," Dave said when I was about to protest Ed. "You look stunning, like usual."

"Thanks, Dave." I smiled thankfully. "Anyway, I've told you like a hundred times, stop calling me 'little sister'. I'm 25 and getting married. I'm not 'little' anymore, okay?"

Dave chuckled and shrugged. "You'll always be my little sister, no matter what." He took a pack of tissue on the table and handed it to me. "Don't be so nervous. Look, you're sweating."

"How can I not?" I pulled a sheet of tissue. "Today's my wedding."

Ed looked at Dave, rising one eyebrow. "I remember how nervous you were on your wedding."

"Oh shut up, Ed!"

"Don't tell Ashley not to nervous, then."

"Ed, I don't-"

"I still can't forget how pale your face was and... Oh! You almost fainted!" Ed laughed so hard. "You should've known how terrible you looked!"

"Ed, stop," Dave said through his teeth, making an effort not to sound mad. "I don't want to start-"

"I should've taken a picture of you that day!"

I chuckled. It'd been so long since the last time I'd had a joke with my brothers since I moved to Manchester with Louis after having graduated from high school, leaving my family in London.

Dave, my five-year older brother, was the type of brother who protected you from assholes. He was a really nice and ambitious guy. Mum had told me he'd always wanted to be an architect since he was in elementary school. He never gave up reaching for his dream. I remembered how he studied all the time even on weekends, refused to date girls in high school or went clubbing. And he finally did it. He was the second best graduate in University of Cambridge eight years ago and now he was busy designing buildings around the UK. Two and half years ago, he married a very beautiful woman and had a lovely baby girl, Alicia. Now, they were waiting for their second baby born.

"Dave, how's Sarah?" I tried to stop the argument. "Is the baby okay?"

Dave turned to me and a smile grew on his face. "The baby is fine. The doctor said Sarah is going to give birth in two or three weeks."

"Did the doctor tell you the baby's a girl or a boy?" I asked excitedly.

Dave nodded. "She said it's a girl. That's-"

"I prayed for a nephew, though," Ed cut off, sighing.

"Hopefully Sarah will be fine until she gives birth," Dave added, ignoring Ed.

I frowned. "What's happening to her?"

Dave sighed. "Her condition hasn't been really well lately. I'm just afraid..."

"I told you, it's because all you do is work, work, and work," Ed commented. "You rarely help her when she needs you."

"Ed's right, Dave," I agreed with Ed this time. "She needs you, especially this time. As long as you're by her side, she'll be alright," I advised as I gazed into Dave's eyes, convincing him. "Trust me. And I'm sure Alicia misses you a lot."

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