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We all went home to think about what just happened. A chinese women appeared out of nowhere. She smelled of red wine. There was only one wine shop in the town. All she did was stare at me with suspicion like I was a killer. She soon walked away when my friends came out of the café. We decide to go to the lake to take a swim. When we got there, Bethany was already there. She was a friend of ours. Jacob was all depressed because all of his pets ran away and/or died. His parents keep giving him pets but you know. While we were swimming Jacob tried to drown himself even though everybody was there. We all come out of the water except for Bethany who stayed in the water for a long time. While she was swimming we were going to eat if it wasn't for Jacob trying to kill himself by eating a lot of food to make his stomach explode. We went back into the water and Bethany was showing off and was floating for the rest of the time that we were there. We flipped her over to get back at her and there was a piece of glass wedge in her back. We all went back to the cafe to talk about what happened. The chinese women was there ordering some wine at a café. She soon walked away when she spotted us drinking our drinks. We went our separate ways at the end of the day. The next day we all went to Jacobs house because he did not show up at the cafe. When we arrived we saw a noose. Than we spotted Jacob writing a note. We just let him finish writing. Then we handcuffed him to Laiken. We found the handcuffs in Jacob's parent's bedroom drawer. I don't want to know what they do at night. We soon left his house and Jacob and Laiken started to fight. When we arrived at the café, Laiken was biting Jacob for some odd reason. We got her to stop before Jacob died from Laiken. We handcuffed Jacob to Ashton and that was better, but before we even started talking about the murder, Laiken had head butted Jacob in the face because he was touching her in inappropriate spots. Laiken was getting mad real fast when he kept on touching her. So, she moved to a different spot at the table. We finally got to talk about the murder, but Jacob almost died because he kept messing with Laiken. She held a knife to his face but all she did was scratch him with the knife. She would of stabbed him but she was in public. After we calmed down, we talked about the murder. While we were talking we got interrupted by Jacob saying he made rings for us. He handed us the ring and we all threw them at him. With that we finally finish talking about the murder. We all when home. I had to do some homework before my parents found out that I didn't do it before I left. They would take everything away from me if I'm not doing good in school. When I was almost done my mom came running to me drenched in blood. She said that my father had been murderer and she was being framed by the murderer, but I did not believe her and ran across the street and stayed the night their. The people know my family very well, so it was not weird that I wanted to stay the night their.

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