Big Brother Laxus

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Lucy's POV

I stared at Natsu's new form and simply smiled.

"Monster? c'mon, you're still the same Mr. Dragon to me." I said with a giggle. His eyes widened a little and his mouth opened up.

"Are you stupid? why aren't you scared of me?" he said in frustration.

"We've known each other since we were kids. if I wasn't scared of you then, now isn't any different." I watched as his face turned into a light shade of pink. I slid out of the bed and stood next to him. I wrapped my arms around him and smiled.

"I'm glad you're back Mr. Dragon." I laughed softly. He didn't say anything but I sensed he was happy.

"Luce, do you really want a monster like me to stay?" He mumbled.

"Would you stop that? you're not a monster! and yes, I want you to stay!" I answered and tightened my grip.

"I still hate this place, and I still plan on taking revenge." He said coldly. I shook my head and looked up at him.

"Natsu, please?" I begged.

"I trained for a reason!" he declared. He jumped out of my grip and glared at me.

"I will get my revenge, even if I have to break my promise!" he yelled. He soon gasped at his own words.

"Promise?" I repeated. He clicked his tongue and averted his eyes. I walked closer to him.

"What promise?" I asked. He glanced over at me and frowned.

"So you really don't remember it?" he said in a deep voice. I shook my head and he stared at me intently.

"Do you remember how you got my scarf?" he asked and I clutched onto it.

"When I awoke from my coma it was wrapped around my neck." I glanced down at it and smiled. I looked back at Natsu who was still frowning.

"I know now that it belonged to you." I said. He nodded and crossed his arms.

"After we made that promise I gave it to you.." He spoke sadly. I took a few more steps closer to him and gazed into his eyes.

"What did we promise?" I asked in a serious tone. He looked up at me and opened up his mouth. He was about to say something but suddenly his ears twitched and he transformed. He was in his human form already when the doors swung open.

"Lucy! great news!!!" Wendy's voice echoed through the room. She smiled and ran up to me.

"Guess what?" she said with glee. I chuckled at her expression.

"What is it?" I asked. She grabbed my arm and started dragging me out of the room. I glanced back at Natsu who kept frowning.

"Natsu come with us." I called out to him, he slowly nodded and walked along with us. Wendy dragged me all the way to the castle entrance and then finally stopped.

"Look!" she pointed at the castle doors as they slowly opened and a body emerged from them. My eyes widened as I saw who it was. Wendy let go of my arm just in time, cause I dashed to the figure.

"Laxus!!!" I jumped into his arms and he quickly gripped on.

"Woah! hey there Lucy! calm down I just got back!" He jokingly complained. I let go of him and smiled brightly.

"It's been so long though!!! you left for a year and didn't even write me!" I pouted and crossed my arms. He chuckled and ruffled up my hair.

"Sorry. sorry. I got busy." he walked further in the castle and I followed at his side. Wendy ran up to us and waved at Laxus. She wasn't paying attention and fell flat on her face. Laxus laughed loudly.

"Still the same old Wendy!" Wendy got back on her feet and hit Laxus multiple times which didn't even phase him. We walked up the steps where Natsu was still standing. When Laxus locked eyes with him, the atmosphere went bad.

"So who's the twerp?" Laxus asked. Natsu clicked his tongue and glared at Laxus.

"That's Natsu, he's a friend of Lucy's!" Wendy said with a smile. Laxus looked over at me, he was frowning.

"This twerp is your friend?" He asked in cold tone. I forgot he gets this way with guys, he doesn't want any of them getting near me.

"Y-yeah he is. um Natsu this is Laxus, my older brother." When I said that, Natsu's expression softened a little as if relieved of something.

"Well if he's only a friend I guess I'll let it go." Laxus said firmly. Natsu smirked and crossed his arms.

"And what if I'm more than just a friend?" I looked at him, shocked at what he just said. Is he trying to piss him off?

"What was that punk?" Laxus got closer to him but he just kept smiling. You do not wanna make him mad!

"Um guys, please stop. besides guests will be arriving soon." Wendy's voice caused both of them to click their tongues and separate.

"Guests? for what?" Laxus asked. I then realized what day it was and started to panic.

"The king set up a ball and the Prince of Crocus is gonna be there!!" Wendy shouted. I gasped and grabbed Natsu's arm. He and Laxus gave me a surprised look.

"Sorry Laxus! I gotta get ready!! I'll see you later!!" I dashed down the hallway with Natsu, leaving a confused expression plastered on Laxus's face. As we ran down the hallway, Natsu ripped out of my grip. I stopped and looked at him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm glad he was just your brother but for some reason he still pisses me off." I awkwardly smiled at him and scratched the back of my head.

"Well you see, he's the..lightning dragon slayer..." Natsu sighed at my words.

"That explains it." he said. I saw my favorite maid walking down the hall and quickly got her attention. I grabbed Natsu and pushed him towards her.

"Virgo! Please take him to his room and help him get ready for tonight!"

"As you wish Princess." Virgo simply nodded and Natsu gave me a confused look.

"I gotta get ready too so when your done go to my room." I waved and ran off.

"Luce, wait a sec!"


Hey guys! so what did you think about Laxus being Lucy's big bro? it kinda makes sense since they're both blonde. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! cya in the next chapter!!


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