Dragon Slayers Vs. Dragon Slayers

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Lucy's POV

"She does have a body guard!" I spun my head around and saw Gajeel. he ran at us and attacked Cubellios. She slithered back to Cobra and hissed at us.

"He's just not here right now." I looked at Gajeel and noticed he had injures on his arms.

"Man, that guy is tougher than he looks, he took out a fourth of their men before that pretty boy dragon slayer came along." Gajeel wiped blood off his lip and glanced over at me.

"Looks like I underestimated that pyro, sorry Princess." after he said that, he ran at Cobra but something caused him to go flying the the complete opposite direction. It looked like a...shadow? then a figure formed from the shadow.

"Don't run away from a fight you wimp!" the man insulted Gajeel and threw him to the ground.

"Run away? you were getting your ass kicked by Salamander, I just took the chance to save the Princess." Gajeel stood up and got in a fighting pose.

"Iron dragon fist!" a iron pillar shot from his arm and hit the man in the stomach.

"I wasn't finished with you Rouge!!!" I heard another voice yell. It was Natsu.

"Tch, you weren't a worthy opponent." the man, Rouge said. Natsu darted to Rouge but instead was attacked by Cubellios.

"Now c'mon Fire Dragon Slayer, lets have some fun!" Cobra smirked and suddenly reddish purple scales replaced his arms. He ran at the distracted Natsu and landed a hit on him.

"I'm the Poison Dragon Slayer, you have no chance of winning against me." While Cubellios kept Natsu in place, Cobra kept punching him. I frantically looked around for my keys and saw them hooked on Cobra's belt. I sneaked up behind him and almost snatched them back until Cubellios hissed at me and Cobra grabbed me.

"I can hear all your thoughts and movements, you can't sneak up on me." I tried to grab my keys but I couldn't.

"Now now let's behave Princess, we don't want to cause trouble now do we?" He caressed my cheek with his claws and a streak of blood rolled down my cheek.

"Cobra! don't you dare kill her!!! Sting will not be happy with you." Rogue called out to him, receiving a kick in the face from Gajeel.

"Yeah I know, but if I injure her it'll be an easier job for him." he grabbed my arm and squeezed it tightly.

"I could snap your arm like a twig." he laughed as I winced at the pain.

"STOP TOUCHING HER!" Natsu released a strong blast of fire that caused Cubellios to hiss in pain and loosened her grip on him. He glared at Cobra.

"I pissed the pyro off, this'll be fun." Cobra threw me to the ground.

"Fire dragon's claw!" without hesitation, Natsu hit Cobra with a fire attack but it didn't seem to do much damage.

"Like I said, it won't work." Out of no where, lightning struck the ground where Cobra is or actually was at. Cobra wasn't at that spot anymore and he let out a laugh.

"C'mon! can you dragon slayers do any better than that? I can hear your thoughts and movements remember?" Cobra flipped his head in my direction.

"Come on out Lightning Dragon Slayer." with those words said, Laxus walked out from behind a tree and picked me up.

"You hurt?" He asked in a low tone.

"Only a little, but I'm fine." I answered.

"Natsu. take her and leave. now." Laxus demanded. Natsu ran over to us and before he grabbed me another attacked launched towards him.

"We won't let you go so easily!" Rogue yelled. Natsu got up and Laxus threw me at him. Luckily he caught me.

"Go now!" within seconds, Natsu ran away from the fight, leaving Laxus and Gajeel to fight the enemies.


"Sky dragon's roar!" Wendy screamed as a strong wind blew away the enemy soldiers. Natsu put me down and tossed me something. My keys.

"How did you-"

"Took them when he attacked me." he cut me off. He was fuming.

"Wendy keep an eye on Lucy!" Natsu started to run off into the crowd of soldiers but I grabbed his arm before he could.

"Are you going back there?"

"What? no, I'm going after Sting."

"Then I'm coming too."

"No." before I let him run off again I took out one of my keys and readied myself.

"Open, gate of the Archer. Sagittarius!" I light shone and Sagittarius popped out. I pointed out to the crowd of people.

"Sagittarius, I need you to hit only the enemy soldiers!"

"Yes milady!" he pulled back his bow and shot an arrow that quickly multiplied in the air. All the arrows came raining down on the soldiers and all of the enemies crashed to the floor.

"Great job Sagittarius!" I gave him a thumbs up and he just saluted me before disappearing. I looked at Natsu and crossed my arms.

"Now let's go." I said. He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Fine, but I'm dealing the final blow." He commented. We started to run through the pretty empty battlefield, seeing relieved faces on our soldiers.

"Wait for me guys!" Wendy called out, running closely behind us. We both gave her a disapproving look.

"Don't look at me like that! I'm a great supporter." she smiled and put her thumbs up. As we got closer to the hill top I last saw Sting on, I noticed how much was actually going on. As I looked around, I saw both sides losing soldiers. Seeing them fight, seeing all the blood, it made me feel sick to my stomach.

"Luce? what's wrong?" Natsu asked, glancing over his shoulder.

"I just figured out why my father avoided war all this time.." I replied with a frown. He looked like he was gonna say something but before he could, something hit him and Wendy. they both went flying across the ground.

"Natsu! Wendy!!" I screamed.

"Darn, I was aiming for you." I looked at where the attack came from and saw that horrible person.

"Sting!" I yelled in anger.

"Nice to see you again, Princess."


Hey! so how was the chapter? As the war wages on, all the dragon slayers start to battle it out. Lucy finally runs into Sting, what will happen next?? You'll have to keep waiting to find out.


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