This Is What I've Decided

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Lucy's POV

"Gentlemen! I deeply regret getting the kingdom and all of you involved in something so horrific. I know you most likely hate me right now...and that's okay." I spoke to the huge crowd of guards with a loud voice. I never made a speech like this so I don't know if what I'm saying will have any effect on them. but I can't back out now. I noticed Natsu was in the crowd with Wendy and took a deep breath.

"But please listen to me, Crocus has a very strong military. but you know what? the Celestial Guard is even stronger!!! I may not know how much men they have but I won't lose my confidence in you guys." I glanced over at Gray and Erza and felt slightly at ease. I breathed out softly and smiled.

"You all have hearts that can't be defeated so easily. The Prince of Crocus is a dark man. Your hearts will reflect against him and his army. I know we can come out of this war and claim victory." I glanced over my shoulder and saw my father and Laxus smile at me. I turned back to the soldiers and threw my fist up in the air.

"So, LET'S WIN THIS!!!" I screamed and all the men screamed along with me. I let out a sigh of relief and watched as the soldiers left to get ready for the fight.


"How long ago did Prince Sting leave Magnolia?" I asked a soldier that was guarding his room earlier in the day.

"He left when the sun came out, your majesty. He was wounded but seemed perfectly fine." He said. I nodded and waved him away. I paced around my room and put my finger on my chin. I pondered at what to do while Natsu sat quietly on my bed.

"If he left that early, he's already back in Crocus. He's most likely gathering his soldiers as we speak." I said to myself. Natsu was petting Happy and he purred loudly.

"We have all our soldiers prepared for battle, we need a plan now...Erza and I should be able to figure it out..." I scratched my head in frustration.

"Wendy will be a major help for the injuries." Natsu said. I nodded but frowned.

"She's too young, I don't want her to be in a dangerous place like that." I answered.

"Ugh! that's it!!!" I yelled to myself. I ran to the rope in my room and yanked on it. Virgo walked into my room within seconds and bowed.

"You called, Princess?" she said. I gave her a serious look and was a little hesitant to say anything out loud.

"Can you find armor that fits me?" the moment the words slipped out of my mouth I instantly regretted it.

"And why do you need armor?" Natsu jumped off the bed. He started to walk towards me.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to join the fight." I said calmly.

"THE HELL YOU ARE!!" he yelled.

"And why can't I?" I asked annoyed.

"You're too weak. if you go you'll surely die." he said coldly. I clicked my tongue in anger.

"WELL I GUESS I'LL DIE THEN! YOU AREN'T GONNA STOP ME!" I yelled at him. We glared at each other and then he smirked.

"Can you even fight?" he laughed at his own question which pissed me off even more. In an instant, I grabbed his arm and pushed him to the ground. I pinned him down so he couldn't move his arms or legs. He looked at me with a shocked expression.

"I'm going, and you can't stop me." I said coldly. He frowned at my words. I walked out of the bedroom with Virgo following close behind. I left Natsu alone.


"How's this Princess?" Virgo asked as she tightened the breastplate. I breathed in and out.

"I can breathe so it's fine, thanks Virgo." I gave her a small smile.

"I'm sorry that this armor doesn't match the Celestial Guards'." the armor I wore was a dark gray but the gauntlets and greaves were pitch black. The armor was made for a girl so it had some girly features to it. there was a steel mini skirt that was surprisingly comfortable. The gauntlets opened up at my fingers and the greaves started at my knee and stopped at my ankles. The pauldrons stuck out like small wings, it looked cute for a suit of armor.

"It's fine, If I wore a regular gold suit of armor, no one would give me a second glance." I said.

"Princess, you want them to know it's you?" Virgo questioned. I nodded.

"I want the Prince to know that I won't sit back during the war." I said with determination. (Stay determined! Undertale anyone?) Virgo bowed and was about to leave me to myself when the door busted open.

"Luce! I won't let you do this!!!" Natsu stomped over to me and got up in my face. I sighed and averted my eyes.

"I already decided. No one will change my mind."

"Luce you-"

"Natsu! I'm not going to send my people out to fight by themselves! they need me!"

"What can a puny princess like you do? you aren't as strong as the soldiers! and you don't have any kind of magic either!" Natsu yelled. I was about to shout at him but then Virgo joined in.

"Well, I wouldn't say she doesn't have any kind of magic ability.." Virgo smirked and I've never seen her do that before. I gave her a questioning look.

"What do you mean Virgo?" I asked her and she put her arms behind her, tilted her head, and kept smiling.

"Why don't the both of you follow me?" she said and then walked out of the room. Natsu and I glanced at each other and then dashed out of the room, catching up to her. After walking for ten minutes, Virgo stopped in front of a door.

"I've never seen this door before.." I said softly. Virgo placed one hand on the door and looked over at me.

"The King told me not to show you this until you were ready."


Hey, hope the chapter wasn't too boring! the next chapter is where a lot happens so be prepared! ^•^


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