Sting's Army

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Lucy's POV

"C'mon men! no struggling!" Erza screamed. It's morning now and we're all back on our feet. I trained some more when I woke up, I summoned Sagittarius, the Archer. we did some target practice and even caught some breakfast for everyone. I exhaled as I got on my horse.

"Tired Lucy?" Mira asked.

"Not really, just thinking.." I answered.

"Thinking is MANLY!" I smiled at Elfman's enthusiasm. Cana was next to me and already chugging some beer down. She laughed and tried handing me the canteen.

"Booze always helps me think~"

"Of course it does." I laughed and denied her offer. She just shrugged her shoulders and continued to chug it.

"So Lucy, how's your training going? it must be hard since you can only do it for a short amount of time." Mira said. I gave her a small smile.

"It's not easy but I think I'm getting better each time I train. I already figured out which of the zodiac work well with me and also each other."

"So you know all of their capabilities and power?" Cana asked.

"Well I haven't summoned this one yet..." I pulled they key off and showed it to them.

"Why haven't you summoned them yet?" Mira asked in a confused tone.

"Well Virgo told me the only way I can summon this spirit is if I put the key in water." I explained.

"So it's some kind of water spirit?" Juvia said, joining in the conversation. I nodded.

"But I already summoned the Paired Fish, Pisces and they didn't need water." I showed them Pisces key.

"Maybe that one is special then." Elfman commented.

"Yeah you're probably right, I'll just summon the spirit when we're near a river or stream." I put the keys away and we continued a casual conversation. Here and there, someone would mention something that would make everyone go silent. Weird, it doesn't even feel like there's a war right now. I feel so comfortable around everyone. they're just trying to make the most of it I guess. I let out a soft sigh and looked ahead.

"Hey Lucy." the familiar voice caused me to turn my head.

"Hey Gray." I replied as he walked beside me.

"Where's that pink-haired bastard?" he said in an annoyed tone.

"Be nice Gray. and he's in the back with Laxus." I answered.

"Great, so now I can talk to you." His words made me give him a questioning expression.

"About what?"


"What do you mean?" He sighed and scratched the back of his head.

"Where did he even come from? and why is he here?"

"I saved him from the forest, he was badly injured. And I asked him to stay."

"He seems too comfy with you, do you have some kind of weird relationship with him?"

"He was a friend from my past, when I got my memory back, I remembered him instantly."

"If you got your memory back, do you remember when you met me?" his words confused me for a minute. When I met him? when did I meet him? I started thinking and eventually remembered.

"Your father was our greatest soldier, when he got promoted to general that's when I met you." I smiled as I remembered the shy kid Gray was at first.

"Do you remember what you said to me when I showed you my magic?"

"I don't remember it word for word.."

"You said 'your magic is so pretty, like your eyes'." I laughed as he said those words.

"I said something like that?"

"Yeah. since that day, I wanted to be close to you-uh n-not that I mean it in a weird way o-or anything!" Gray started to stutter and wave his hands in front of his face. I chuckled at his actions and then it went silent between us. Gray inhaled and then exhaled rather loudly.

"By the way Lucy, where did you get that scarf again? you had it the whole time while you were in a coma." Gray's question caused me to look down at the scarf I had wrapped around my waist.

"I got it from Natsu, though I don't quite remember how.." I smiled and clutched the scarf.

"Lucy, are you in love with him?" Gray's tone was sad and low. I looked at him and saw him frowning.


"DO YOU SEE THAT?" Gajeel's voice made everyone looked ahead. We all watched as bodies form at the top of a hill. I gasped as I realized who it was.

"They're here! ready yourselves!" Erza screamed. The soldiers pulled their spears out, brought their shields to their fronts, and continued to march forward. I stared at the hill and felt hatred overflow within me as I saw him at the top.

"Sting." I muttered. I clenched my fist in anger and felt someone touch me.

"Calm down Sis. you can't be reckless, once you make a mistake it could be the last." Laxus spoke in a serious tone and then snapped the reins, quickly charging up to the front lines.

"You tell me not to be reckless and you do something like that." I said aloud as if he could hear me. I got off my horse and started running along the soldiers. I already saw attacks flying around the field. I looked around but couldn't find Sting.

"Wait, where's Natsu??" I asked myself and flipped my head in every direction.

"Well well well, lookie what I found." I felt chills run down my spine when I heard that voice in front of me. I looked up at the owner of the voice.

"Who are you?" I asked, my hand already on my keys. The man smirked at me and took another step closer.

"The name is Cobra, I'm-"

"The general of Crocus' Royal Guard. I've heard about you already." I finished his sentence for him and he laughed.

"Well I'm flattered, who knew the Princess of Magnolia would actually know of me." he took another step closer and suddenly I felt something wrap around my ankle. I looked down and saw a purple snake.

"Meet Cubellios, isn't she lovely?" I grabbed my keys but the snake swatted them away and wrapped itself around me.

"Tsk tsk, tsk, we can't have you using magic. we need to bring you back to the Prince." he spoke. The snake tightened it's grip and I groaned in pain.

"Who knew capturing you would be this easy? you should have a body guard or something. You're too weak on your own." Cobra laughed in my face.

"She does have a body guard!"


Ooooooh cliffhanger!
Hey guys! what's up? so the fight has finally started and Lucy is already in trouble?! who is gonna be her savior? keep reading to find out!

Btw, sorry if the chapters are boring or if the fight scenes suck. I'm trying to get better but I know they aren't that good. Anyway, until the next chapter, bye! :3


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